within 7 days

just a quick one for the people who have recently passed hgv tests ,basically i passed class c last year and have sat on it and not applied for any jobs thinking i would rather grab my c&e licence first then apply for jobs.i got bored in my poor job in the office and thought ill apply for some class c jobs online , sent c.v and cover letters to 4 jobs advertised on their and a day later got a phone call from an agency to go sign up and head to a site for assessment drive , did that and got offered agency work for the next day for that company i agreed. went home after assessment etc and two hours later got a phone call from a company not an agency to go for interview for the next day so i rang agency told them im going for interview and wont make it to work for them. went to interview in my suit and got phone call back later that day for a second interview two days later , i was made up and arrived again in my suit but with steele toe caps and hi vis in car, got to site sat down for brief chat and went for a 45 minute drive and was told it was between myself and a fella with 19 years experience behind him , so shook hands after drive and was expecting a phone call to tell me either way. 3 pm phone rings i got the job and start in 2 weeks after working my notice in current office job.
so the message is dont believe the hype about experience needed as ive got 0 miles experience and got a full time position over someone with 19 years behind him all within 7 days from being bored in work to a full time job with a company.

never give up and dont believe the hype it will happen

nice one :smiley: welcome to the weird and wonderfull world of truck driving! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That’s brill! All the best with it. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Well done! Seems to be a few new drivers on here getting breaks lately. What sort of work is it?

Good for you Mike :wink:

Gives me a bit more hope. I’m having no luck finding anything yet :frowning:

Brililiant news you obviously showed a good attitude at interviews well done and good luck with it all , look forward to the post of how great your first day went
all the best


When I got my first proper rigid job (for Sunlight) it was a similar situation, between myself and one other chap. Spoke to the chap who did the assessment some time after and he said that the experienced chap was a bit better driver than me but I had a much better attitude. I think that a good “can do” attitude is worth as much as experience.

cheers everyone , i just showed willing and had nothing to lose , i didnt try to be someone im not and it must of all payed off , cannot wait to get out there and i will follow this post up after my first week.
bring it on !

also on the first interview there was 5 drivers also for interview , i was the only one wearing a suit the rest were wearing fleeces and t shirts etc, it may help it may not but in my opinion first impressions count so just throw your suits on and shave your face,(women not inc haha) its only for 30 odd mins and same again if you get to second interview dont let the standards drop second time round because you still havent got the job , i had the assessment drive on 2nd interview and took my suit jacket off and put hi vis coat on from the boot of my car and changed my shiny shoes for steele toe boots. takes 1 minute to change and youve covered it all then (just my opinion)

never know unless you apply (even when it states experience required)

dont give up

Thanks for sharing that mate, good advice :smiley: