WHY ,do we let this happen stowaways

have a look at the link
Which money grabbing swine put these people in such a
predicament, sorry but some how it makes me say,bring
back border controls and yes customs yards, let us go back to
the time when we had to carry out paperwork clearimng of
T-PAPERS or Carnets,CEMT;s and also the checking of the load
and the complete truck, YES it will slow traffic down,but if this
were to be carried out we would have saveings in other
areas which would be a benifit to one and all
AND some thing has to be done

One of H Freund’s trucks.

Crap happens Pete, bringing back T-forms wouldn’t stop it happening. They would still attempt it, there are checking controls in place now but they still attempt it and still get through. Why should the rest of us suffer delays and have more paperwork to deal with just because a few folk want to risk killing themselves? Let them get on with it I say.

You are proberly right Niel
but it makes me so angry
that due to some swine
who thinks only about
dollars,yen euro or
pounds,can get away with
out being brought before
the courts, and what may
have happened if they had
not been found until later on

brit pete:
You are proberly right Nielbut it makes me so angry that due to some swine who thinks only about dollars,yen euro or pounds,can get away with out being brought before the courts, and what may have happened if they had not been found until later on

They’d probably be dead but they knew the risks when they climbed in so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

they will probably be given a house a job a car and any other benefits OUR government can throw at them at our expense. think of the cost to taxpayers just with police, fire and ambulance on the scene, not to mention the cost of hospitalization.


think of the cost to taxpayers just with police, fire and ambulance on the scene, not to mention the cost of hospitalization.


What do you suggest? They should have left them in there until they paid the bill? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

We should put them back on a plane or any other form of transport immediately,and send them back to France,as I’m assuming it came from there,if the lorry was in London. :angry:

The garlic,snail eating tossers,seem to turn a blind eye to them coming over here,even to the point of feeding them and making camps for them. :imp:

The costs we the taxpayer would save long term,would far outweigh what it would cost to send them back.

I’m sick to the back teeth,of grafting my balls off,to subsidise these low life,who are given everything on a plate,when some of us haven’t even got it after years of sweat and toil,when they could quite happily settle in another country over the pond,and it’s about time these spineless morons that are in power,decided to look after our own,instead of looking after everyone else’s.

If they think that being treated this way would be harsh,then I’m sure they are well looked after in their own country,and that’s why they are in a hurry to leave.

Stuff the human rights act,send them back NOW.

Rant over for now.


We should put them back on a plane or any other form of transport immediately,and send them back to France,as I’m assuming it came from there,if the lorry was in London. :angry:

The garlic,snail eating tossers,seem to turn a blind eye to them coming over here,even to the point of feeding them and making camps for them. :imp:

The costs we the taxpayer would save long term,would far outweigh what it would cost to send them back.

I’m sick to the back teeth,of grafting my balls off,to subsidise these low life,who are given everything on a plate,when some of us haven’t even got it after years of sweat and toil,when they could quite happily settle in another country over the pond,and it’s about time these spineless morons that are in power,decided to look after our own,instead of looking after everyone else’s.

Stuff the human rights act,send them back NOW.

Rant over for now.


100% correct.

We should put them back on a plane or any other form of transport immediately,and send them back to France,as I’m assuming it came from there,if the lorry was in London. :angry:

The garlic,snail eating tossers,seem to turn a blind eye to them coming over here,even to the point of feeding them and making camps for them. :imp:

The costs we the taxpayer would save long term,would far outweigh what it would cost to send them back.

Sounds good to me.

Our country is being bled dry by these people,and that’s why it’s in the state it is.No money for the NHS,No money for schools,No money for roads,etc etc.

If we didn’t pander to the minorities,then we would be in a position to afford all these necessities,but as we have to feed,clothe and house these scrounging pond life,there’s no money left over for where it really matters.

I’m all for immigration,but it has to be controlled,and it has to benefit this country.

I wonder if I smuggled myself into one of their countries,wether I would get all they get here? I would probably be sent back,imprisoned as an illegal for an indefinite term,or shot.

So what I will say is,BROWN and your cronies,wake up and sort it out,as we will remember it come the election.

One wonders what the guy in my signature would have thought of all this,had he still been alive. :confused:


100% correct Quinny - Brown wont be in next time they dare call an election.

Some one on here drives for Freund hope it wasnt him

55 year old man arrested on suspicion of people smuggling. Sounds like that’ll be the driver but I don’t think too much can be read into that. Arresting him for questioning will likely be as much for his own good as anything else. If they want to charge him they are going to have to prove he knew he put them in there which won’t be easy. He won’t even face the normal fines as they weren’t found at the border so it can’t be certain he brought them into the UK.

it certainly is a nice photo link

Its a Great Country to Live in, So long as your NOT British.

Some people might want to read some truths regarding Immigration myths

It is report they were Afghans. We find them with breathing difficulties we take them to hospital. If the same situation occurred in Afghanistan they would improve your breathing by removing your head to expose your windpipe. That sounds a cheaper option to me.

Some people might want to read some truths regarding Immigration myths

We would if you put a link to some.

Do you honestly believe everything you read?

I know a girl who has the wonderful job of tracking illegal immigrants down and sending them home. The lies, threats and measures they will go to so they can stay here are unbelievable.

Still, what a job…

Pity they were found so soon, then there would’ve been no need for hospitalization/repatriation costs. :smiling_imp:

Shame it wasnt a powder tanker due to be filled after they had got their scrounging selves inside.

Britains new slogan - Come on in, the welfares lovely!