What kit do you take?

well ive got myself an interview on monday, :confused: sounds promising tho,
i got out the yellow pages and after 15 calls was about to give up but didnt then got lucky! :slight_smile:
anyway to the point! i sudenly had this thought of what kit should i take with me? (for the job not interview)
i tried the search as i thought there was a kit list somewhere but couldnt find it so what do you guys/gals take with you?
cheers crusty :sunglasses:

What type of work is it?
Nights out or Day work?

its day work, but i was wondering what things to take for either as it might lead onto nights? cheers :slight_smile:

Depends what the job is too, what you’re carrying etc.

I just take the obvious things, diesel gloves, rigger gloves, torch, multitool(knife, screwdriver etc), map, normal gloves + hat coz it’s fridgework and a spare ratchet strap for load securing, got a few bulbs in my bag somewhere too.

Also seperate from my packed lunch I take a flask of hot water and an instant pot pasta thing, as you never know how long your day can end up being, and nothing worse than an unexpected 4hour wait on some yard with no food/drink available and starving to death coz you ate your lunch hours ago. I’ve yet to end up on a night out due to running out of hours, but i I do i’ll have no night out kit with me, just too much to lug around when it’s v.unlikely i’ll need it.

maps for areas i cover, tomtom one v2 sat nav, gloves, hi viz, load strap, torch, either my portable dvd player our i take a playstation portable just to pass time, chargers for work mobile and my mobile,then lunch box, bottle of water and a small flask with hot tea…

I take a big bag of mapsthats covers most of the UK ,torch,a few simple tools , big lump hammer , hi viz jacket and vest hard hat, gloves, a change of clothing as I hate driving in wet clothes, a few books to read, my laptop and mobile tinternet doofah, and my lunchbox and flask

its day work, but i was wondering what things to take for either as it might lead onto nights? cheers :slight_smile:

You need to say what type of work it is. Can’t tell you what to take without knowing that because different work requires different tools.

i tried the search as i thought there was a kit list somewhere but couldnt find it so what do you guys/gals take with you?

You didn’t try hard enough :wink:


thanks for all the info :slight_smile: am getting into the swing of it now!