Parking area in europe. But where?. Solved by Neilf

My fav parking place in all the world…

Aire du gelon?.

Total garage (well used to be) southbound heading for italy via the frejus.


Top Marks Neil.

Aire du Gelon is correct, I used to swim in the lake and go for a walk in the hills behind the lake.
Neil, Who’s in the photos? .I’m not sure. But the two small ones are mine…

I’ve got to say Paul it’s was always one of my favorites and within 10hrs from LeHavre.

I always used to stop there when heading for italy to stock up in the supermarket over the road and have used the restaurant on a few occasions when weekended there.

I spent a few days there during one of the many italian drivers strikes and walked up into the village in the hils in search of a cash point. It was a fair climb and I thought I deserved the couple of beers I had in the cafe next to the bank.

On the walk back down I took a wrong turn and ended up at the lake you mentioned. What a fantastic place and somewhere I always went if weekended if the weather was suitable.

As for who’s in the photos I’m wondering if the guy in the grey shirt is Helmut AKA silly Keith. The build is about right but I’m not sure if he’s had any tattoos. Also the guy in the blue shirt could be John Eaton AKA axle. I only say that because again the build is about right and I always remember him wearing those black work type boots. Can you date the photo?. I notice that the volvo is a pre XL globetrotter.
