magnify thing

I dont no wot there called but does anyone no where i can get the stick on magnify thing for the near side window for when i am over the water

VOSA or the Hato guys

if your passing one of the check sites ask for a freznel lense and its free to anyone who wants or needs one for international journeys


if you see the HATO guys on a break they’ll give you a fresnel FOC

ask for a freznel lense

Pronounced - fray-nell after the frog wot invented them.

if you see the HATO guys on a break they’ll give you a fresnel FOC

OOOOOOOOOOOOH, That sounds nice. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Santa wrote:-

Pronounced - fray-nell after the frog wot invented them.

Augustin Jean Fresnel

PM me your address mate and I’ll send one out…unless you want to visit us in person :smiley: