Window lens thing

Taking a RHD to Europe and fancy one of those lens things to see more of blind spot on left of truck. I’ve seen a few trucks with a lens thing stuck on the window, don’t know the correct term.
Anyone managed to decode what I’m on about and know what they are called (or even where to get one!) ?


Fresnel or Frensal something like that. :confused:

Its called a Fresnel Lens. Im guessing you could get one at Ashford T/S, or maybe even the port areas themselves.

Why do you think you will need one? I don’t want to sound like im willy waving here but I, along with thousands of others managed driving around Europe for years without one and never had an issue. Its only with the influx of left hookers on /British roads that you see more and more Euro trucks with them fitted due to the increased cases of collisions caused by the driver not paying attention to his / her mirrors!! Just watch your mirrors and pay attention to whats going on around you and you should be fine!

Having said that, I have never driven a truck with one stuck to the opposite passenger window so maybe they do make a difference.

it helps with blind spots and at roundabouts,if you havnt used one you wouldnt know,its not because people dont use there mirrors properly and ask at the shuttle booking office or at ferry booking office they might have them i thinhk they were handed out free by vosa


They were handed out free Knobby, i was given 10 or 12 a few years ago, unfortunatly all gone/used now thou.

There are 2 pictures with/without it so you can see the difference th2013.

Thanks. I’m sure I would manage fine without one. Reason I asked is that I’m a fairly new driver (to class 1) and not driven a truck over there before. Been over in car a few times. It might just be an extra bit of reassurance on roundabouts and motorways to be sure there is really nothing there. It just seemed like a good idea…

Anyway, if I find one I’ll get one, otherwise I’ll just be careful!

Interesting thread that Kindle! Having never seen through one, it is surprising how much they reveal! Looks like those lenses could catch on! :open_mouth: :laughing:

This diagram found on interweb makes quite a good case for them…

My old wagon had one - it was useful in this country, once you got used to it. Helps on blind turns I found. As has been said, checking you mirrors regularly instead of watching DVDs on your laptop helps too. I think it’s called “situational awareness” and is a major part of being a professional driver.

As Sarge said there good WHEN you get use to it they do obscure part of your window, I would get use to it over here first and make the adjustments to get the max from it …
just couldn’t get use to mine :confused:

Really useful, especially if your driving something high like a merc or man.

Had one in a Magnum, being so high could see bugger all next to me :frowning:

I think there was a previous posting on this subject , I’m sure someone said that vosa was handing them out free of charge to left hand drive trucks

this is it,surly your self respect would fork out £9 before taking a handout from vosa? its on fleabay here … 48660e26b8

this is it,surly your self respect would fork out £9 before taking a handout from vosa? its on fleabay here … 48660e26b8

Or you could save £9 and get one for free from the government.
Something useful from your tax instead of it going to pay MP’s expenses.

all depends on your principles,pride and scruples?..or lack of them…

The last time I went into the booking in office in Dover they had those lenses on the counter free of charge,but that was ages ago.

Well, guess what - I wasn’t organised enough and spent the 5 weeks over there without one. As said above it wasn’t a problem. But I sat in a cab with one today, and I do like what they let you see. SO might get one yet…