Wiseman Droitwich. What to expect?

OK you blokes

Been offered Saturday at Wiseman’s. What can I expect ?


Lots of milk to deliver :smiley:

Oh … a humourist! :unamused:

Lots of tets,not ■■■■!!

There will be ■■■■ as well as tets!

I bet the OP wished he’d never asked now!

Oh,also if things go wrong you could end up with a creamy mess in the back!!


it used to be a cream job but most of that has been creamed off…
ok, I’m getting my coat on. Sorry.

Cheesy man, that’s cheesy! I suppose yo gurt to expect that…

At least the humourism is improving … a bit :laughing:

all the runs are a bit of a milkround

Speedy Duck:
OK you blokes

Been offered Saturday at Wiseman’s. What can I expect ?



all the runs are a bit of a milkround

The speeds some of their drivers do around droitwich you would think they were using a milk float… :open_mouth:

:sunglasses: :laughing:

Speedy Duck:
OK you blokes

Been offered Saturday at Wiseman’s. What can I expect ?


Artic or rigid ?


You can expect to do two runs to other Wisemans depots, I haven’t been in Wisemans for over a year but the last time I was there the vehicles were mostly DAF CFs and Volvo’s, the agency drivers mostly got the DAFs but sometimes got the newer Volvo’s.

The job is easy enough if a little boring if you’re on it for any length of time, the people are OK and for the most part helpful, the transport office will give you a map of where you’re going if you ask for one.
There can sometimes be a bit of hanging around waiting for the trailers to be loaded but you can at-least get a coffee in the canteen.

At the end of the shift you’re expected to wash the vehicle and leave it clean, there are decent washing facilities and bins to put any rubbish in so it’s no problem.

They are quite strict on tachographs, though to be honest you shouldn’t have any problems as long as you keep the chart/card in order and clean.

All in all it’s not a bad job and far from being the hardest job around, as I said can be a bit boring but I guess that depends on what you’re used to or what you like doing.

Have a good day :wink:

t##sers in the office, nit picking over your tachos and why you stopped at services ect ect ,ive been there on agency before, never again.

There are a number of people in the transport office and they are quite strict in the way they expect you to complete the chart, but I certainly never found them to be tossers (or t##sers whatever that may be :wink: )if that’s what you was trying to say, do the job right or at-least try to do the job right and there’s no problem.

Also I’ve been into Wisemans at Droitwich plenty of times and stopped to pick up a coffee at the services without it ever being mentioned, if you’re doing two runs which is the norm they do expect you to run back to Droitwich and have your break there after the first so if you stopped at the services for your break that probably would throw their planning out a lot.

Have to say though that your experience there is certainly different to mine.

Nice one Tachers

A proper response. Just what this place is for.

(And a bit of humourism I suppose)

I probably don’t need to say this mate but when you get to the transport office have both parts of your license and your driver card handy, because unless things have changed a lot, which I doubt, they will want to check them :wink:

Don’t Milk the hours