
i asume we all no how to use toilets i mean we all have them at home dont we ? So why is it when you visit a site to deliver or an rdc or infact most places you visit on the road the toilets are disgusting come on people have a look before you leave the toilet if it needs it clean it why should someone else have to clean your mess up we all have t use them at some point dont its basic stuff really

Dont tar us all with the same brush.

Unfortunately, there are dirty sods in all walks of life not just haulage.

Also to answer your question some people do not know how to use a lavatory.

I’ve worked in factories & office as well as driving for a living. One common feature is that every so often you’ll come across a ■■■■ up toilet, even ones where none of those “filthy HGV drivers” have been in.

Your attitude is sad indication of how many in society regard HGV drivers as the scum of the Earth, responsible for all the worlds ills. :unamused:

unfortunatly you only need do use these toilets to see that there are some dirty b ----------ds out there

Staff toilets in the shops I deliver to are , mostly, absolute swamps of places. Dare I say it that most of these places are staffed by younger people with a very few mature folks in the more senior positions. But the worse toilets by a country mile were in New York by one of the piers, which had a food hall, on the south side of Manhatten. They were worse than the french squatters. :imp: :imp:

Unhappy with the state of Public Facilities? You’re not alone, so here’s a quick solution. Next time you’re in the cab, and you feel the ‘peristalsis push’, simply unhook your dungarees and drop one straight onto the seat.
When you next walk the town, the village folk will comment thus:

‘There walks Olaf, Mighty Trucker of the Southern Straights and Northern Slopes, Bearded, Thor-like and with Thighs of Highest Pine. His stench is one of pride, and he will leave his mark on each and every throne that he may occupy.’

used to work for a company that had a lot of deliveries from Eastern europe, we caught a few drivers squatting behind thier wagon in the yard, even though we were happy to allow drivers to use the staff toilets. I sent a letter, translated into various languages, to all the suppliers, telling them that if any of thier drivers were found doing this, the driver would be banned, the load would be refused as it was fresh produce, and the original supplier would be told that they would have thier contract terminated immediatley, Never had any more problems.

try using the ones at maidstone services they are reguarly over flowing and stink to high heaven :angry: :laughing:

i asume we all no how to use toilets i mean we all have them at home dont we ? So why is it when you visit a site to deliver or an rdc or infact most places you visit on the road the toilets are disgusting come on people have a look before you leave the toilet if it needs it clean it why should someone else have to clean your mess up we all have t use them at some point dont its basic stuff really

Already discussed at length earlier this month. Suggest using this next time.