This job seems to good to be true!

… i got bored :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

So, Jonboy@RH gone
Jonboy@Coop gone


jonboy@waltonsmountain :laughing: :laughing:

I fully understand JB

I have a job that pays good £££’s, I work only when I want and can refuse any job that I dont fancy…I am home every night, and if I do a full week earn just about the same as I did for southern Europe

But there are times when I sit on Teesdock and look at the Norsky or Norking ferries loading and the urge just to drive on board and set of for the land of the Via Pass and suicidal moped driver is almost overwhelming :cry:

Good luck JB in your new line of work, sounds great but you will always have that urge to go over the water no matter what.just looking at the euro trucks will get you thinking…but dont give in to temptation stick with it and you`ll be the winner at the end of the day…good luck once again
have a nice day