I am not a truck driver!

Carling misses the point. It’s not a question of being prepared to get your hands dirty but of cleaning up and presenting to the customer as a professional afterwards.
I started out out with ropes and sheets and dogs and chains, but they stayed on the flatbed and the cab interior remained clean. Likewise I could be wet and dirty after sheeting in the rain but I’d make an effort to spruce up for my own self respect.
Roadside facilities are lacking I accept, but no one forced either of the drivers I saw tipping litter out of their cab onto the pavement last week to do so.

TK Dave:
drivers I saw tipping litter out of their cab onto the pavement

Don’t get me going on litter, Dave!! That one really winds me up!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

On the subject of hand-washing after using the loo

An army officer and a private happened to be visitting the urinals at the same time, having finished their task the private headed for the door whilst the officer headed for the sink. “When I was at Sandhurst” said the officer in his best officer tone “I was taught to wash my hands after using the toilet”
“When I was at Catterick” said the private “They taught me not to pee on my hands”

Lest you think I am advocating an unhygienic lifestyle I should point out that the post above this was a joke - an old, and maybe not very funny one, but a joke nonetheless :smiley:

What a totally useless thread this is, basic hygene washing your hands after using the toilet. Urinating on the wheel when yourself or someone else has to work with it is disgusting in this day and age.

Some folk have to get off the nostalga trip and realise were in the 21st century.

This thread was started by johnny. After reading it again it becomes clear,reading between the lines, that its part of a much bigger problem in his life. From where I`m sitting it looks like he has invested 250% into the trucking business ;That being ,effort,time & money . And has found out that its easy to buy a truck but not so easy to sell one these days. He is probably pedaling 24/7 to make ends meet. So seeing the negative side of drivers habits is just a symptom of wanting out of the whole business. If this is true then he has my sympathy. There is always a way out but you have to talk about it. There are very experienced drivers here that could give you financial /professional advice.

This thread was started by johnny. After reading it again it becomes clear,reading between the lines, that its part of a much bigger problem in his life. From where I`m sitting it looks like he has invested 250% into the trucking business ;That being ,effort,time & money . And has found out that its easy to buy a truck but not so easy to sell one these days. He is probably pedaling 24/7 to make ends meet. …

First problem with your scenario is that johnny is not an OD, and from then on it just gets wider of the mark. :wink: :smiley:

He offered to sell a Scania for £47000 . Maybe johnny has brains after all…?

Johnny has a point. Nothing wrong with a bit of self respect. There are stacks of posts on here re lack of respect from other motorists etc — not surprising if so many on here are happy to roll around in their own, and other drivers, filth.

So, does driving a truck or doing any dirty work mean you have to become complacent about personal hygiene and turn into a complete scuzz-bag? Or is that something you’re born with? :smiley:

He offered to sell a Scania for £47000

Doesn’t make him an OD though. I would assume that is the current truck he drives that he is saying is for sale, given that the new one his boss bought comes in 3 weeks.

I just don’t see how johhny’s disgust at the frankly disgusting habits of some drivers equates to him wanting out of the whole business?

So, does driving a truck or doing any dirty work mean you have to become complacent about personal hygiene and turn into a complete scuzz-bag? Or is that something you’re born with? :smiley:

Don’t think it is something you are born with. I think that is the kind of stuff you learn growing up.

Learn what not to do? No one taught me to pee on the wheel of my tonka toy, so I won’t do it on my bigger boys truck!

all this peeing up them wheels, sure glad i’m not a fitter or a tyre fitter come to think of it.

Have to agree with the wiping of the steering wheel, gear stick and handbrake, I used to work for a lead company and had to have a company blood test now and again to check my blood lead levels, doubled in one month from the average man on the street level, found out that the silly tossers at the works were moving my truck overnight and leaving their gloves on, cleaned the controls every day and it went back down to the man on the street level again, must go and thank them guys one day, left there pretty quick, easy job, great TM, and ■■■■ conditions, cant have it all I guess :smiley:

Lots of different opinons on this thread. One question though? Who agrees that a motorway services parking area should be used as a public convenience. Picture this !! Lovely summers afternoon, heading home up the M6 Northbound, and decide to take my last break at Southwaite services. Find an ideal place to park at the side next to the high kerb. In such a good mood I decide Im eating out today. Yes youve guessed it already. No sooner had I planted my backside on the high kerb, sarnies and flask in hand, when the stench of urine hit me from every angle. Available toilets in services and petrol station :imp: . If you are a member of the weaker bladder brigade, carry something with you for emergencies. My motto is, there is a time and a place. Im no angel, Ive been caught short more times than I care to remember, but the above problem is just laziness.

but would these same people wazz up the side of their car if parked up,i dont think so ,so what makes a wagon any different.