This may have been already done on TNET but cant see it recently.
This topic name came up a few years ago in a transport forum (not LGV driving). It proved popular and interesting reading and I certainly found it useful at the time. Of course there was the odd philosophical type who lost the point, but generally went down well. Here is the link to that topic for for pure reference of the idea - not to promote a website (which is most likely of absolutely no interest beyond watching paint dry to anyone here as its for a different job type)
The point is NOT to ridicule anyone or show off. The point is not to compare who has the “biggest” or admit you have the least. The point is not to start moaning at people for working more than 2 hours a week/ doing nights out. The point is not to make direct comparisons.
The point is to garner an idea of what people are taking home realistically doing different forms of driving in different parts of the country to be used as reference. It’s fine knowing hourly rates off company websites but that doesn’t often give a good indicator of what Jo blogs at the coal face takes home throughout the regions.
As for pension contributions and wild card factors - it still provides a good indicator. Yes there is more to life than money but lets face it, we all have bills to pay so if the lifestyle suits - say so! It may make useful reading for people considering a move to a certain area of the country or style of work. Truck and Driver used to run a monthly article with similar information.
1/ Who do you work for?
2/ location
3/ What is your work type -tramping/shifts?
4/What’s in your pay packet a week/month for hours worked? - if you choose to include subsistence then say so to avoid discussion on that topic!
6/Lifestyle good/bad?
For me this is where I cop out a bit as no longer in driving properly. Last firm was 12 years ago
Temple Transport (2003)
Containers - tramping
£1500/month in hand - approx 65-67 hours a week including my N/O money.
No pension then
No benefits
Poor pay even for time- but enjoyed job and easy work whilst studying compared with previous general haulage job.
Contracted to a plant hire company on artic low loader £11.00 per hour for all hours on duty including breaks. Monday to Friday home every night guaranteed 10 hours a day. Self employed though so no holiday or sickness pay etc. And no pension. Still £8.50 an hour on the books is considered pretty good down these parts so I reckon I’m not doing too bad.
Freight Dog:
This may have been already done on TNET but cant see it recently.
This topic name came up a few years ago in a big transport forum (not LGV driving) and it proved very popular and interesting reading. There was a big take up, most found it interesting. I used it myself when making job apps. Of course there were the odd philosophical type who lost the point and got bent out of shape saying its “not anyone’s business/ more to life than money/we’re all on different tax codes” bla bla bla and watered it down.
It’s pretty clear we all maybe on different tax codes but it’s not likely to be that different and makes interesting reading to know what you come away with as joe average rather than being left to get the abacus out. Most people also realise - yes there is more to life than money - so if you feel you want to add how much you earn but can mitigate it due job satisfaction then say so! If you don’t want to post, then just don’t post.
Who do you work for?
What is your work type -tramping/shifts?
What’s in your pay packet a week/month?
For me this is where I cop out a bit as no longer in driving properly. Last firm was 12 years ago
Temple Transport (2003)
Containers - tramping
£1400/month in hand - approx 65-68 hours a week
No pension then
No benefits
European fridge tramping.
2 or 3 weeks away at a time.
Average working hours per fixed week for 2014 = 46.5hrs
Never use POA, always on other work unless actually on a genuine break or rest
Salaried. Average monthly take home inc n/o £2496.
No pension
Good sick pay, treated as a human being and the least stressed job I’ve ever had.
Slightly different situation as i am old [64] so don’t want to work so much anymore.I work through the summer from May till October in the mine driving a tipper.
7 Days x 10hrs,then 7 Days free.Take home app £2400 per month above ground.If underground add £300 per month
Odd Days in the Winter 10hrs,app£200 per day,net.
Freight Dog:
Who do you work for?
What is your work type -tramping/shifts?
What’s in your pay packet a week/month?
For me this is where I cop out a bit as no longer in driving properly. Last firm was 12 years ago
Question is who do you fly for, do they practice p2f, did you participate in any p2f to get to where you are & how much do you earn for how many hours per week/month…?:lol:
Well pimpdaddy, I don’t mind answering it’s no secret if you go to pprune but on the other hand it’s not helpful/relevant/ of slightest interest to fellow drivers
Yes that’s one of the tasks we did CNIS. That was only a tiddler that was used on that. We also used to operate 10 hour long maritime patrols over the sea/ocean and had many er “talks” with ships and oil rigs about what they were up to
I work for one of the biggest companies
Nightshift, 39.5 hours per week average (4 on 4 off 12 hours per shift) - neither trunking nor yard shunting, but something in between
£555 gross per week, take home around £400ish.
Only the recent pension scheme.
I get 201 nights off per year, and rarely cover more than 120kms during each of the 164 shifts that I do work.
Freight Dog:
Well pimpdaddy, I don’t mind answering it’s no secret if you go to pprune but on the other hand it’s not helpful/relevant/ of slightest interest to fellow drivers