Hands free Jabra bt2046 iPhone 7

I’ve spent the last hour searching for a way of auto answering calls with iPhone 7 plus and there’s no way.

Is it illegal to click the button on the headset to answer? I can call out using Siri but can’t answer.

I don’t like the idea of using a phone when driving but maritime insist I use hands free so when I’m next late to a drop I can let them know instantly! The calls will be a quick yes I’m almost there so thanks for any replies.

As long as you have full control of the vehicle when pressing the accept button on he headset, you are allowed to use the BT headsets.

"It’s illegal to use your phone while driving or riding a motorcycle unless you have hands-free access, such as:

a bluetooth headset
voice command
a dashboard holder
The law still applies to you if you’re:

stopped at traffic lights
queuing in traffic
supervising a learner driver"

gov.uk/using-mobile-phones- … ng-the-law

Usually you just push the button. It does take a second or so for it to work.

Sorry boss, did you say I have to provide my own phone? :open_mouth:
And if you INSIST I have hands free, are you buying it? :confused:

My firm are like that, so I call them back once I’ve stopped…

Evil8 that’s what I told him I said look I’m not being funny but I’m not answering the phone why I’m driving.

I went Stamford for the first time and couldn’t get into it without coming off every junction with a 7.5 limit. I ended up running out of driving time and took a break before I got there. They got billed and flipped saying you would of known you were going to be late. I told the office jockey to get a map infront of him and look at the route I took to get to the customer.

Saturday I had a text saying had I sorted a hands free! I got one but it’s still not totally legal to use. The police can do you if they feel like it.

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Good grief, this is how bad this mobile phone hysteria has got, drivers scared of pressing buttons!

(To the OP this really isn’t a dig at you, it’s a sensible question in these daft times)

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Boss wants to be able to communicate at all times? He fits a build in hands free kit. He doesn’t fit a hands free kit? Then he is not going to be able to communicate at all times.

Simples. As for using my own phone to call the office? Do I look like a limper?

I just use the wired headphones that came with my iphone 6s, with the phone in a holder on the dashboard, with the full use of siri.

I’ve spent the last hour searching for a way of auto answering calls with iPhone 7 plus and there’s no way.

Is it illegal to click the button on the headset to answer? I can call out using Siri but can’t answer.

I don’t like the idea of using a phone when driving but maritime insist I use hands free so when I’m next late to a drop I can let them know instantly! The calls will be a quick yes I’m almost there so thanks for any replies.

Mate :neutral_face: … there is so much for you to think about and reconsider judging by that post. :bulb:
(I’m assuming you are fairly new, so I won’t be TOO hard on you :laughing: )
Here are a few points for you to ponder on, take it or leave it, up to you, not bothered.

1.Chill out ffs, you are getting stressed far too much about pressing a ■■■■ button which takes a fraction of a second :open_mouth:

2.Don’t believe all the crap, you ARE allowed to take your hands off the wheel, and not expected to grip on to it for dear life in a ten to two formation for the entirety of your drive, there is absolutely no problem pressing a button attached to your lug.
(Same as if you have an itchy arse, what doYOU do? wait for the next MSA in torment until you can stop and take your hands off the wheel. :question: :bulb: :smiley: )

3.If Maritime ‘‘insist’’ on you doing this that or the ■■■■ other :unamused: , then they must supply (at their cost) the means and facilities to do so, if they do not, they can not have their cake and eat it, so have no right to insist on anything like this…■■■■ them.

4.if they insist you supply and use YOUR phone and YOUR hands free facility, they are taking the ■■■■, and you evidently just readily attempting to comply with this (and stressing out in the process) is them making a fool of you…especially the level of stress you are displaying in your efforts to do so

5.If they are pushing you and checking on you on your own phone, do not answer it,… your phone your prerogative. :bulb:

If it was me, I would be changing to a less stress related job/co after telling them to go and ■■■■ themselves.

As I keep saying on here, Firms only do this type of crap and continue to do so, because drivers allow them to , without even attempting to point out the injustice of it.