Mobile Phones & Driving

How do we educate the industry that using a mobile phone (talking or texting) and driving a LGV do not mix, I understand the latest legislation will add points to the culprits licence, but is this enough? Should not the employers add their weight to this and issue a complete ban whilst driving as company policy? If they can do this for smoking in cabs (Scotland now and the rest of the UK in 2007).

its normally company policy for all companies to ban the use of hand held mobile phones while driving, just to cover they ■■■.
what the driver does once they leave the yard is another thing

thats funny as most of the jobs i turn upto these days the Transport office give me a mobile, so they can keep in conatch with me…i try my best not ot answer it though :laughing:
I have my personal mobile on with bluetooth earphone though.

We have mobiles built in to the dashboard which are on ALL the time even when on break or rest, we have been told not to turn them off although funnily enough not written only verbally.

If they want me to leave my own personal mobile at home then i will NOT be using theirs either, I have an earpiece for mine and voice control but it seems to be one rule for one and one for the other.

We have mobiles built in to the dashboard which are on ALL the time even when on break or rest, we have been told not to turn them off although funnily enough not written only verbally.

If they want me to leave my own personal mobile at home then i will NOT be using theirs either, I have an earpiece for mine and voice control but it seems to be one rule for one and one for the other.

True. The ones with ear pieces usually have a built in mic so you can just talk. If they don’t you usually have to pick them up and put them to your ear manually!

We have cab phones fitted that work on a loud speaker fitted to the dash. When i first started working for this company i was moaned at by the transport office for not answering the phone. When i told them i would never drive & talk on the phone at the same time they told me it works on hands free :laughing: