Compulsory masks

This just goes from the ridiculous to the sublime. :laughing:

We’ve got comparisons with the blitz. :laughing:
We’ve got inane stuff like …‘‘You don’t see Surgeons wearing snoods whilst operating’’ :laughing:
We have analogies and comparisons to Covid with holding a loaded gun to some bodies head… :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:
Ffs some of you lot are beyond help and well away with it. :lol: :laughing:

Open your minds, open your eyes and look around to how things ACTUALLY are :bulb: instead of listening to official bodies telling you how things are as they want you to believe them to be (for whatever unknown reason.)

Nobody is denying Covid exists, certainly not me, but the gross exaggeration (again for whatever unknown reason) is blindingly obvious to the less gullible amongst us.

“Well away with it”? Says the man continually referencing 1984…
Shouting about loss of liberty when asked to wear a mask!
“They” are telling us XYZ !

If I do use exaggerated and extreme examples it is to point out the absurdity of those I am trying to counter.
Drama queens don`t react to sensible low key posts, they simply skip over them.

Now, what do you think is the “gross exaggeration”?
Have you or any of your sources any data showing that, for instance, the NHS are exaggerating? Or that the WHO figures are wrong? What data do you have access to that disproves what the NHS, WHO, and Govs of most of the world are talking about?
There are drama peddlars out there of course.

Compared with a thousand children dying of all causes in the UK. Why are they all forgotten for the sake of 10, FFS I’m sure hundreds could have easily been prevented

Maybe it is you who is denying what is evident to those with access to data?
Do you think you get a better of the world through your windscreen, than SAGE experts, Doctors, and Nurses in hospitals get?