(Trampers), How Far Do You Travel To Work?

Out of interest, anyone know of hauliers that may take on a newly passed driver willing to do tramping…?

You tried Jack Richards & Son? My hubby works for them and they do seem to always be taking on drivers so maybe worth a try? They have a depot in Co. Durham. Probably not the best firm to work for but it’d give you the experience you would need to go somewhere else?? He’s a Tramper, away all week and travels from Bolton to Northwich. probably a 40/45 minute commute each way :wink:





Its Lowestoft to Basildon for me…1hr 50mins…But i go down on Sunday night.Unless truck is in for a service…So its down sunday night home friday night…But that a12 anything before 7pm is a pain.And can take me 3hrs…About 25 a week for fuel in the 1.6 fiesta…Not sure i’d travel much further than that time wise though.Unless it was for a real cracking job…

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I’m moving back to the uk from Sydney, Australian and we have looked at your area to buy, is it good or bad ? I used to stay in Lowestoft as a kid … notely road area …l don’t recall it much… some houses look ok. Sorry to take it off subject.

Well mate…You’ll find it a bit different to Sydney thats for sure…lol.Know Knotley road well as alot of my family used to live down there…If your looking for driving work then there is’nt anything about localy…Is’nt much of anything to be fair…But Felistowe is only an hour away…House prices are cheap enough though.Again because of the lack of work…But its not a bad place to live.

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I currently work for NSW Police Force, I doubt I will do the same job in the UK. It depends on the savings and money we make from selling up over here to whether we buy there or closer to my ho e town of London … but not sure I really want to move back to London with all the immigration. Been away 6 years in January … but miss the UK lol.


But you were happy to live and work in Sydney as an immigrant?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: