Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?


obviously wants the uk kept white with ethnics kicked out.

My opinion is that he was an idiot to film outside court, doing things like that can jeopardise a trial.

So can you tell me what jeopardised or caused problems when the BBC, ITV infact all msn media Covered Gary Glitter or Rolf Harris’s ,Or rapists like Max clifford ETC ETC court cases ? They were properly exposed
They are not MUGLIMS are they !!

There is a complete reporting Ban on these filthy muslim ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ gangs.
How is that right … :angry:

What he is after is, as I understand it, incomers to follow the values of this country. What those are is up for debate.

As I understand it he is hopefully saying don’t allow the numbers of other cultures,especially ones as destructive and backward as the Wahabbist and Iranian revolutionary Islamic culture,to reach the point where they can form local majorities and go for self determination.While the indigenous culture and values are certainly not up for debate.

While if he’s saying integrate such societies ( doubtful ) then surely that just plays into the hands of those who are pushing for yet another failed ethnically integrated state here like the one that Tito and his bunch of commy muppets tried to force on the former Yugoslavia.That ended well.

I wonder if the penny has dropped with people yet.

This is what the UK has been reduced to and we the electorate have been doing our bit to hurry it along, by voting for the one party (with three heads) state for decades after it was became obvious an increasing majority of them were and are traitors.

How many have had the nous to realise, too late, that any one could be next once the secret state decides it doesn’t like you :bulb:

I wonder how long before the state gets it’s wishes and (with some carefully arranged but deniable admin mix up) a certain dissident ends up murdered in prison by the very people he warn against, God forbid.
The lefties and the useful idiots will no doubt be delighted if that happens, maybe they think that by appeasement of the inevitable hell these days of post truth is heralding, that they’ll be targeted last :unamused:
If that happens and another reporting ban is imposed, will our people finally wake up.


My opinion is that he was an idiot to film outside court, doing things like that can jeopardise a trial.

My understanding is that the trial had ended and they was waiting for the verdict.

I believe so. Allegedly, there is going to be a claim for a mistrial by the defendents now, based on a breach of court reporting restrictions being breached.



obviously wants the uk kept white with ethnics kicked out.

My opinion is that he was an idiot to film outside court, doing things like that can jeopardise a trial.

So can you tell me what jeopardised or caused problems when the BBC, ITV infact all msn media Covered Gary Glitter or Rolf Harris’s ,Or rapists like Max clifford ETC ETC court cases ? They were properly exposed
They are not MUGLIMS are they !!

Beetle, I’m not a lawyer. There weren’t court reporting restrictions for those people, there is for this case. I don’t know why so I’m struggling to have an informed opinion. My uninformed is that it should be across the board or not at all.


What he is after is, as I understand it, incomers to follow the values of this country. What those are is up for debate.

As I understand it he is hopefully saying don’t allow the numbers of other cultures,especially ones as destructive and backward as the Wahabbist and Iranian revolutionary Islamic culture,to reach the point where they can form local majorities and go for self determination.While the indigenous culture and values are certainly not up for debate.


I belive so. I could go all Carryfast and waffle on :wink: .

Half an hour before last night’s post I’d just finished Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic. Since I don’t know much about TR, I’ve bought his autobiography, that should give me a bit more idea about him.

There doesn’t seem to be much in the news about yesterday’s demo outside Downing Street in protest about his imprisonment in Hull.

Albion, i suspect you will have an eye opener about the State, what it’s doing and what it’s capable of, after reading that autobiography.

The state is only your friend whilst you do as it says, and do keep up at the back there because if the state changes it’s mind overnight you’d better have your hymn sheet already turned and be on song.

There won’t be any coverage in the MSM about such protests unless they turn violent so they can spin it so the state can impose further destruction of freedom, they deliberately didn’t cover the recent Football Lads Alliance (and friends) peaceful protest marches in London and B’ham either.
The mainstream media is no friend of the people.

Albion, i suspect you will have an eye opener about the State, what it’s doing and what it’s capable of, after reading that autobiography.

The state is only your friend whilst you do as it says, and do keep up at the back there because if the state changes it’s mind overnight you’d better have your hymn sheet already turned and be on song.

There won’t be any coverage in the MSM about such protests unless they turn violent so they can spin it so the state can impose further destruction of freedom, they deliberately didn’t cover the recent Football Lads Alliance (and friends) peaceful protest marches in London and B’ham either.
The mainstream media is no friend of the people.

The mainstream media won’t cover demonstrations, unless the fit their agenda, when they’ll be shown in a positive light or unless they turn violent. I’ve often thought if I were a government who wanted to discredit a protest group I’d place some agent provocateurs within their ranks to cause trouble at opportune moments and rely on my friends in the media to give maximum bad publicity, but of I’m sure our leaders are not so devious. :wink:

It was Margaret’s fault, her dad sold his shop to an Asian family

There’s a call out to go to Downing Street for 3pm today. I’m going. I can’t just read about this stuff anymore. I have to do something. I’ll also be emailing my MP.

I thought it was 1pm, but good for you T&E.

I thought it was 1pm, but good for you T&E.

I think the 1pm meet is at speaker’s corner.

m.a.n rules:

I thought it was 1pm, but good for you T&E.

I think the 1pm meet is at speaker’s corner.

Thanks, sounds about right.

The state is only your friend whilst you do as it says, and do keep up at the back there because if the state changes it’s mind overnight you’d better have your hymn sheet already turned and be on song.

What’s the betting in this case that went along the lines of a joint call from the Saudi and Pakistani ambassadors,with Chinese support in the interests of China’s stated ‘world governance’ agenda,telling Bo Jo to jump and Bo Jo said how high. :bulb:

Which leaves the definition of ‘state’ in this case obviously not being the nation state acting in the interests of the ‘nation’ in the normally accepted sense of the word.Let alone a ‘hymn sheet’ which is singing two opposing hymns at the same time in the form of being at war with radical Islam while at the same time welcoming the mass import of it within our own borders and arming it to the teeth in the form of the Saudi ‘alliance’.

People who have or who express extremist views should indeed be either silenced or imprisoned. Why would you want it any other way, Tommy Robinson is extremist in his views and if left to his own devices would probably cross the line of acting out his views with violence. The sooner people learn to integrate with each other the better. Those who don’t integrate should be left to their own devices. Providing they do not force their opinions of others there is nothing wrong with different cultures. Live and let live gives you a much more peaceful existence.

Been watching the protest on Youtube, are you currently on sit down outside the Downing Street gates T&E? whilst the motley crew currently masquerading as Robert Peels finest :unamused: try to cajole you into doing something they can arrest you for?

Been watching the protest on Youtube, are you currently on sit down outside the Downing Street gates T&E? whilst the motley crew currently masquerading as Robert Peels finest :unamused: try to cajole you into doing something they can arrest you for?

I’m sure there are some government agents ready to start trouble so that those protesting can be labelled as right wing thugs.

Only report I can see is from the evening standard with the headline"hundreds of far right protesters descend on Whitehall.

People who have or who express extremist views should indeed be either silenced or imprisoned. Why would you want it any other way, Tommy Robinson is extremist in his views and if left to his own devices would probably cross the line of acting out his views with violence. The sooner people learn to integrate with each other the better. Those who don’t integrate should be left to their own devices. Providing they do not force their opinions of others there is nothing wrong with different cultures. Live and let live gives you a much more peaceful existence.

Make your mind up do you want to force integration on everyone.Or maintain the right of everyone to not integrate including ‘us’ to maintain our own culture as the dominant culture in our own country.

Some would say that it’s your contradictory obviously no borders Commy bollox that fits the definition of Communist extremism allied with Islamic extremism and which therefore needs shutting down.Let me guess your idea of live and let live means imposing integration on the indigenous culture under threat of the gulag.But the right to maintain and impose their own different cultures in the case the immigrant communities including the savage Wahabbist and Islamic revolutionary cultures.

Tommy is kicking his heels in HMP Hull, which is probably a blessing because it doesn’t hold as many islamist radicals or moslem peados as most of the other Yorkshire prisons. He was reporting on an already convicted pakistani moslem grooming gang that had operated in the Huddersfield area from taxis and takeaways. He was livestreaming for one full hour before being arrested, he was physically assaulted by one of the incoming paedophiles, remember these foollowers of the religion of peace have already been convicted of ■■■■■■, trafficking , supplying class A drugs to underage British girls over a sustained period, this was the sentencing phase and because there was 29 of them, including 2 moslem burka clad women, they were being sentenced in groups of 10, 10, and 9 this was the second wave. Nothing Tommy R. did warranted his arrest, these trials are not being reported by MSM because they have been told not to upset the tiny minority in this Country but scouring social media for so called hate speech is totally acceptable for the thought police.

Dave Penn;