Army cadet poppy seller burned in aerosol attack! … -29870960#

I really am lost for words. Disgusting pond life wants to be tied to a post and beaten with a plank wrapped in barbed wire.

My g/f told me this was all over facetube at the weekend. Poor kid was a cadet and some piece of unwanted excrement does this to him. About time these animals were rounded up and deported (to where I don’t care). I hope the ■■■■ catches cancer and his family die in a house fire!

What on earth were we thinking of, letting these people into the country in the first place? They hate us, they hate our history, they hate our traditions.

Notice how this has been largely kept out of the media…
If it had been the other way round then this racist attack would have been on every sky news bulletin/front page newspaper going!
Welcome to censored Britain!we are not so far from the likes of North Korea as we’d like to think!

same story for most things regarding things like that…very biased and censored.same as the school in Salford that banned halloween…theres a bit of a speel about it on the bnp homepage amongst other stuff…pity we cant have uncensored posts here as more than likely it wouldn’t make pc reading …calais port is looking good this weather…its not getting any easier.just building up and waiting for someone to light the blue touchpaper. its not right though is it?.. :confused:

Ok, I’m gonna go off on one now, but before I do I’d like to make perfectly clear that I have no problem whatsoever with any decent, law abiding member of the Muslim community. I contend that they make a valuable contribution to the fabric of our culturally rich and diverse nation, but it’s worth pointing out that whilst not every Muslim is a terrorist, every terrorist is in fact a Muslim.

We need to change how we deal with the radicals. We need to look back at the Crusades and learn the lessons of history in as much as we won purely and simply because we were the most vicious side and were prepared to do whatever it took to win. The only only only way to defeat a terrorist is to terrorise him! We know that they are willing to die for Allah, so we make sure that they know that we will absolutely do whatever it takes to help him meet him. No more hand wringing liberal bull, make no mistake, these radicals want us facing Mecca on a prayer mat, or they want us dead. Nothing else will satisfy them.

We should announce to the World that we are agressively going to pursue and kill all radicals. This will draw a line in the sand and also let any ex pats living in Muslim countries that now is probably a good time to ship out. Again, make no mistake that unless we draw clear battle lines here and tackle the problem with extreme prejudice then our very way of life is under threat.

When I become Minister for destroying radicalism I will announce that if they desist offensive operations and remain within their borders then I will allow them to live long lives, however if they continue to attack Christianity then they will be hunted down, killed and their corpses soaked in pigs blood and buried in a synagogue.

There, that’s better.

It’s about this time of year we will see these Scum burning poppies in OUR streets whilst being protected by OUR police force because apparently they have the right to free speech…

Go paint a poppy on the door of a certain building … There’s one in every large town these days.

Remember the bad old seventies - skinheads, “p…i” & “queer” bashing? I genuinely think that vigilantism WILL rear its head again with regard to the ethnic radicals in our towns and cities. Our laws (or rather, Brussels laws) - such as they currently stand - simply do not have the teeth to satisfactorily deal with this kind of barbaric behaviour. Social unrest continues to steadily grow, and outrages such as these will eventually create an equally violent backlash of “street justice”, for better or worse. We must surely be viewed as the ■■■■■■■ of Europe at this time, and it`s a view that must be emphatically dispelled. What a pathetic shadow of our former selves we have been turned into.

As said, come down on these viral humans - bloody hard. :imp: :imp:

Get us out of Europe. Disgusting reading that. Good story to bring to the attention of all

bump to the top every now and again

Harry Monk:
What on earth were we thinking of, letting these people into the country in the first place? They hate us, they hate our history, they hate our traditions.

Well said that man and very true. :slight_smile: we have one thing here they love and have no problems with… our benefits system :wink: