Closest call you can remember


The way it’s described is that the hazard of merging traffic, in this case involving trucks, was predictable.Why wasn’t the car in lane 4 overtaking and allowing space for any merging traffic ahead in lane 3.
I think you’re way underestimating the crash for cash angle in all this.
It’s obvious that they are needlessly strategically hanging around predictably lane changing/merging traffic, especially trucks, rather than just overtaking them.
If you don’t then fall into their trap their next all too predictable move is to needlessly brake heavily after you’ve waited for them to crawl past and then merged or changed lanes behind them.
That move is so predictable and common now it’s laughable.

How about this, the car is in lane 3 which will become lane 1 on 2 lane section… how about the truck driver uses his Mirror and filter correctly rather than expect cars to move… after all truck drivers are “professional” drivers are they not… there is no such thing as an accident, the euro driver was not driving according to the road… look, how about people do not walk on pavements because a cyclist will use part of it in a cycle lane… there is no law stating a car must drive at 70… you imply the car is deliberately hanging Around … any decent truck driver would of pre empted and moved 600 yard prior to split… it’s called reading the road…

No I’m clearly implying crash for cash.
Which part of, if/when deliberately hanging around at the side and waiting for the predictable side swipe doesn’t work they then all too predictably brake sharply for no reason at all as the driver waits and slows down thereby forcing them to pass and then changes lanes behind them, didn’t you undertand.
It happens time and time again even when driving a car let alone a truck.As I said it’s now getting laughably predictable you know exactly what they are going to do before they do it.
You do know that these scammers will think nothing of sitting there at the side of a truck for miles waiting for their opportunity.
Or sometimes braking to a virtual stop at the side of traffic slowing down to make them pass when trying to merge at an entry slip road or change lanes.