50 mph for cars?



As someone mentioned a lot of lights need rephasing junctions looking at. And I don’t know why we can’t adopt a system used is a few countrys. And let us turn left at a red light junctions if the coast is clear

We’ve got the “turn left at any time” here and it can be bloody dangerous with some of the loonies on the road.

. I know you have it works fine when not much traffic around.
You ever drove in newzeland? I decide to nip over to north island last time was in oz. Hired car for few weeks. Was getting lots of cars cutting me up beeping. Was told not by hire company . Although they should. Of told me.
But rules there if your driving down a road and a car coming in opposite direction wants to turn right. Ie cross your lane to turn into a side street they have right of way . You have to slow down give way to them. Theory being they can be sat there for ages waiting for a space to cross causing a tail back behind him. .Now that is dangerous esp if you don’t know.

NZ Land transport saw sense in 2012 and reversed the give way priority at junctions much to everyones relief.