What's the point...

of a 4x2 unit with like 500hp?

what’s the limit for a tri ax trl and a 4x2 unit? something like 38t is it? is there really any need for that kind of hp in these motors when they can’t even run at 44t? Or am I wrong and there’s some silly way they can run at that weight…

Gaffer’s buy them for their £5/hr glory-boys to keep them sweet so that they don’t leave for jobs that pay proper money. There is no other reason.

what’s the point of having a good-looking girlfriend, an ugly one will perform the same functions…

longevity and fuel consumption spring to mind

A few wees ago i ran back from Swiss with a guy who has a 610 FH16, he was grossing 40t, me about 29t. On the flat, there is no difference whatsoever, pointless exercise having a 610…


Throw some pretty sizeable hills into the equation and its a different ball game. The 610 absolutely wiped the floor with my 430 Actros on every hill, and i was 11t lighter than him… I dropped a gear and half, he dropped half as he overtook me half way up Saverne Bank on the A4 and disappeared into the distance. The fuel he is getting out of the 610 is very similar, if not better than my Actros, and the journey times are quicker too.(i seem to recall a Truck mag roadtest of a 610 FH, where they said from Calais to Lux, thru the Ardennes, a 610 FH at 40T did it in the same time as an empty 420 Scania)

That in itself seems to be good enough reason to buy top spec/power motors to run at 40T.

Ah…now that I think about it that way there does seem to be good resons to get that. Just annoying when I am having to hammer my 450 to maintain 56 when at 44t and these big horse powerd lightweights sail past me lol.

Less wear and tear, less downtime, overall if kept for a few years can be cost effective, engine isnt working so hard.

This is something i don’t understand, with all the one-upmanship between scania and volvo with 550bhp+ when surely 340 is far more fuel efficient and up to the job :bulb:

This is something i don’t understand, with all the one-upmanship between scania and volvo with 550bhp+ when surely 340 is far more fuel efficient and up to the job :bulb:

A few wees ago i ran back from Swiss with a guy who has a 610 FH16, he was grossing 40t, me about 29t. On the flat, there is no difference whatsoever, pointless exercise having a 610…


Throw some pretty sizeable hills into the equation and its a different ball game. The 610 absolutely wiped the floor with my 430 Actros on every hill, and i was 11t lighter than him… I dropped a gear and half, he dropped half as he overtook me half way up Saverne Bank on the A4 and disappeared into the distance. The fuel he is getting out of the 610 is very similar, if not better than my Actros, and the journey times are quicker too.(i seem to recall a Truck mag roadtest of a 610 FH, where they said from Calais to Lux, thru the Ardennes, a 610 FH at 40T did it in the same time as an empty 420 Scania)

That in itself seems to be good enough reason to buy top spec/power motors to run at 40T.

There’s your answer Mikejk.
In short, a 340 bhp will do the job, more or less.
A 600 bhp will do the job easily, will get similar fuel milage and will have faster journey times.
Over a few years, the extra paid for a new 600 will be recovered, by more loads moved, less downtime because the engine/drive train handles the work load easier. And when you sell the old 600 you’d get more for it than the 340.
Not forgetting the value of posing :smiley: .

what’s the point of having a good-looking girlfriend, an ugly one will perform the same functions…

longevity and fuel consumption spring to mind

But the ugly ones are more reliable :stuck_out_tongue: and less likely to be stolen

When i worked for a dutch firm they gave me a DAF 2800 , we used to load steel from germany and run down to Italy and spain , as you know that means hills lots of them , every now and then a german subby would run down with me ,But he had a 480 Merc ( old shape ) with the new (then ) EPS gearbox , and the difference was he would be fresh and alert when we got where we were tipping , and i would be knackered sweating and ready for my pit , he told me big engine = less work , and much better fuel return , words ive never forgotten , i would buy a 610 F16 if i was on local skip work .

Rob K:
Gaffer’s buy them for their £5/hr glory-boys to keep them sweet so that they don’t leave for jobs that pay proper money. There is no other reason.

What about pulling 40 tonnes over the Alps/Pyrenees/Dolomites or running Italy or Spain you knobhead! Please engage brain before you get your self anywhere near a keyboard :unamused:

I’m usually on a DAF XF 95 430 and at times i find even that can be slightly underpowered when fully freighted, the boss gave me a similar unit but with the 480 under it and i noticed the extra 50 horses and i didn’t fill up with any more fuel than usual…

i see Rob K is making friends again!!

OK 500 hosses is not a big engine nowadays, but I dont see the point either of the bigger engines on general transport work.

Have a look at the rest of Europe at the trucks they are running, the Germans are happy with 440 / 480, The Dutch use 380 / 450 generally and the French and Scandinavians are quite happy in Europe at around 450 horses too.

So unless it is the Brits who are the only ones to drive over mountains or the fact that the Italians, Belgians and some of the Brits have small dicks :smiley:

If you are dragging 40 tonne over the Alps/Pyrenees/Dolomites or running Italy or Spain you are only the same as the bloke in the 340 Renault in front of you.

I suppose a 610 does increase the size of the male appendage in a mirror :stuck_out_tongue:

Am surprised at your comments, Wheel Nut, seeing as you are a regular European driver? True the Dutch and Belgians use low powered units but their country is flat!! I see lots of Germans with 480-500 bhp.
I drive a 480 SSC and the difference between that and a 430 on a run down to Spain is a lot!! With my 480, I can set the cruise control and thats it for 5 or 6 hundred kms. Maybe my 480 is exceptional (it does pull well), but with 26 pallets of salad products, there is not a motorway hill in this country I need to change down on. Even those pigs on the A34. Loughboro?? I have never noticed there is a climb there. That to me means a more relaxing drive.

it might be just my experience, but the german and dutch plated trucks I see around scandinavia are usually at least 500hp, many being equipped with a v8. and I can’t remember the last time I saw a 113 on international work, see plenty of 143-s though.

it might be just my experience, but the german and dutch plated trucks I see around scandinavia are usually at least 500hp, many being equipped with a v8. and I can’t remember the last time I saw a 113 on international work, see plenty of 143-s though.

There are a lot of 450 143’s about, my point was more about the big flagship trucks, 610, 660 680 etc as being pointless when stuck behind a 340.

Bear, :smiley: I have driven to many countries in Europe and seen a lot of Dutchmen, most have lent me money, bought my beer and sorted out any language problems on the borders, they don’t all stay in the flat countries :stuck_out_tongue:

Scandinavia may be a slightly different story as the locals are tear arsing about on the ice with 60 tonne doubles :wink:

I think the power outputs on the big fleets have settled around the 450 / 480 mark

Is it just me or have others noticed that almost every time you hear a rev and a whoosh from a scanny V8 it’s almost always a dutch motor? Just look at the videos on YouTube and most of them are dutch. These boys really love their Scanny Vee eights!

big engines are like c,s every one likes a big one

big engines are like c,s every one likes a big one

A small one, surely?