Standards of Manners / Courtesy going downhill?

I love being polite, I am polite as I like to be polite and I also love the reaction of people when I am polite.
Holding doors open, being chatty, generally just smiling and saying please and thank you,
Being a shaved headed scouser with a goaty and being pleasant freaks people out :laughing: :laughing:

Love this post :slight_smile:

I disagree that standards of manners / courtesy are in decline, 2 drivers today gave me a flash and a thumbs down on the A17,sure enough Mr camera man there, trying to make money for the local government, not in a built up area, no houses, no schools. They didn’t have to warn me but they did.

It’s just the odd arse hole who doesn’t say thanks etc.

Some people live in cloud cuckoo land.


Tipper Tom:
I can probably be considered ill mannered by some.

Judging by some of your posts, i hadn’t considered ill manners. I actually thought “tourettes” !!! :smiley:

On another note, why do most class 2 drivers all tell you the weight of the vehicle they’re driving, i.e 18 tonner, 24 tonner, 32 tonner. Its never just a lorry, its always the weight? Maybe the OP has an Inferiority complex and doesn’t realise it? How would a driver come to say to another driver…" you’re jealous of my class one", or even know a rigid drivers weight i.e “you’re only in a 26T” ? And even if he did intimate you’re only in a 26T, whats bad mannered or impolite about it?

We’ve had a poll on here about the average age of drivers, i’d really love to see the average IQ !!!

Hang on a minute, getting back to the EU posted above, and the young people and old people and its not what it was in my day…

The impolite bit was when I left a huge gap for him to reverse in… and then sat back across from weighbridge so that anyone entering premises could see there was vehicles in (so they didn’t have to go in then reverse out) he seemed to think I was trying to jump queue (which I had to wait 2 hours to collect anyway) and basically shouted me to ■■■■■■■ move :smiling_imp:

So I waited and confronted him infront of the staff to which he got embarrassed, then after a couple threats and trying to say I was bullying him cause I was jelous of him driving class one and me a ■■■■■■ class two…

Small winky syndrome I think :smiling_imp:

I saw it all, I was a bus driver for 17 year many moons ago :blush:
(and yes the rudest where the drivers)
I have a happier outlook on life and loved winding the “Twirlies” up (pensioners cant use their free pass before 09.30 and keep asking “Am I to early” at 09.20 hence Twirly)
At 09.20 they would hassle you asking, so I would wait until about 7 or 8 of them where at the bus stop and “shout first one gets on free”, it was carnage, shopping trolleys, walking sticks and umbrellas where all being used as weapons to get to the front of the queue :laughing: :laughing:
Of course I was going to let them all on anyway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TWIRLIES comes from the anywhere for £1 tickets sold by BR in 1980s to OAPS they would roll up to the ticket barriers at liverpool lime street for the 09.25 london train to be told in a broad scouse accent "your two eeeeeeearly for dat " hence twirlys .

I started in 86 “On the buses” :laughing: and the saying was about then in Liverpool :laughing: :laughing:
Gotta love them though, the old girls running for the bus, I used to shout “Come on girl stretch ya tights, ya mother wasnt shy” and then get a playful thump of them :laughing:
Best was taking their pass off them and telling them I was confiscating it, as no way where they old enough to have an OAP pass, made their day :laughing: :laughing: