P O A. is it a double edged sword

Period of available or period of evasion.
A period of availability is only interrupted when the vehicle moves was guidance from some unscrupulous employer or were they in fact correct.■■?

You can use a P O A just about anywhere and anytime that’s got to be good ,or is it?
Was P O A a little Gem or did it diminish a drivers wages.
What’s a hgv driver worth.
I here one operator pays 5.60 per hour with bonus is that good.
You would have to work lots of hours and without P O A it wouldn’t be possible.
Looks like without P O A the industry would grind to a halt.

I’m salaried i do not use it and even if i wasn’t i’d still not use it.

You hit the nail with salaried.
Thats the solution.

There’s a fairground missing all of its hobby horses. Do you have them Ross?

Ross v stobart:
Period of available or period of evasion.
A period of availability is only interrupted when the vehicle moves was guidance from some unscrupulous employer or were they in fact correct.■■?

You can use a P O A just about anywhere and anytime that’s got to be good ,or is it?
Was P O A a little Gem or did it diminish a drivers wages.
What’s a hgv driver worth.
I here one operator pays 5.60 per hour with bonus is that good.
You would have to work lots of hours and without P O A it wouldn’t be possible.
Looks like without P O A the industry would grind to a halt.

Why wouldn’t it be possible to work the hours without POA and how would the industry grind to a halt without it?
I never use POA.

Use it all the time. Very rare I don’t get at least 2 hours POA per day.

E.g., Waiting for a wagon in the morning, waiting to be let into Tesco stores, waiting for trailer to be loaded etc

never use it… im either working or im not its that simple.


Ross v stobart:
Period of available or period of evasion.
A period of availability is only interrupted when the vehicle moves was guidance from some unscrupulous employer or were they in fact correct.■■?

You can use a P O A just about anywhere and anytime that’s got to be good ,or is it?
Was P O A a little Gem or did it diminish a drivers wages.
What’s a hgv driver worth.
I here one operator pays 5.60 per hour with bonus is that good.
You would have to work lots of hours and without P O A it wouldn’t be possible.
Looks like without P O A the industry would grind to a halt.

Why wouldn’t it be possible to work the hours without POA and how would the industry grind to a halt without it?
I never use POA.

I never used it by choice, only when double manned and my card was in position 2 where POA is recorded by default. I agree, the hours could still be worked and the industry wouldn’t grind to a halt without it because the periods could just be recorded as break instead. Any period which qualifies as POA would qualify to be recorded as break, in fact the requirements for a period to be a break are less than for POA so it is easier to record break than POA.

If hgv local day or night non tramper drivers worked a regular 10 hours a day minus breaks that be legitimate .
Problem is some operators want to utilise the driver like tramper.
This takes maximum hours and usually entails reduced breaks.
Its depends on the type of work.

Ross v stobart:
If hgv local day or night non tramper drivers worked a regular 10 hours a day minus breaks that be legitimate .
Problem is some operators want to utilise the driver like tramper.
This takes maximum hours and usually entails reduced breaks.
Its depends on the type of work.

Eh? :confused: Think the hobby horse has bolted…
Never use it - as has been said, I’m either working or not.

Never used it. The same as others have said, if I’m not working I’m resting.

I use it. Its saves me from clearing a break when I don’t want a full break. I get paid PER HOUR so it doesn’t matter to me. Yes it keeps my wtd down but i’m a tramper so want maximum hours.

Ross, if your not happy, why don’t you go and get a job filing shelves/cleaning toilets/flipping burgers…then find the appropriate forum to troll on.

Failing that, round up the missing horses and ride them off into the sunset. Tedious hole.

I use it. Its saves me from clearing a break when I don’t want a full break. I get paid PER HOUR so it doesn’t matter to me. Yes it keeps my wtd down but i’m a tramper so want maximum hours.

Ross, if your not happy, why don’t you go and get a job filing shelves/cleaning toilets/flipping burgers…then find the appropriate forum to troll on.

Failing that, round up the missing horses and ride them off into the sunset. Tedious hole.

You can do that by recording 1 minute other work at 14 or 29 mins, then you can stay away from the dreaded POA.

Pain in the arse, try and avoid it wherever possible. Head units in our trucks can’t tell the difference between POA and break so I have to do maths to stay legal which hurts my fragile little mind.

On a recent CPC day the trainer (and they’re never, ever wrong about anything) said it’s a good idea to use POA because apparently VOSA’s top 20 offences/infringements resulting in fixed penalties includes “incorrect use of mode switch”, can’t remember the fine.


I use it. Its saves me from clearing a break when I don’t want a full break. I get paid PER HOUR so it doesn’t matter to me. Yes it keeps my wtd down but i’m a tramper so want maximum hours.

Ross, if your not happy, why don’t you go and get a job filing shelves/cleaning toilets/flipping burgers…then find the appropriate forum to troll on.

Failing that, round up the missing horses and ride them off into the sunset. Tedious hole.

You can do that by recording 1 minute other work at 14 or 29 mins, then you can stay away from the dreaded POA.

I have more important things to do in life. Bang it on poa rather than watch the minutes tick by.

Why dreaded poa? Just curious…:confused:



I use it. Its saves me from clearing a break when I don’t want a full break. I get paid PER HOUR so it doesn’t matter to me. Yes it keeps my wtd down but i’m a tramper so want maximum hours.

Ross, if your not happy, why don’t you go and get a job filing shelves/cleaning toilets/flipping burgers…then find the appropriate forum to troll on.

Failing that, round up the missing horses and ride them off into the sunset. Tedious hole.

You can do that by recording 1 minute other work at 14 or 29 mins, then you can stay away from the dreaded POA.

I have more important things to do in life. Bang it on poa rather than watch the minutes tick by.

Why dreaded poa? Just curious…:confused:

POA is the reason we aren’t on a proper 48 hr week!!!
As in 4x12 shifts per week!

48 hours. 4 days. No thank you. I know people who do this, no overtime, just a flat rate. And they get to work weekends too. Fantastic.

I never use it. Not interested in maxing my hours. Going home now after 4 1/2 hours. Good luck to all those people who want to spend all their life’s at work

I never use it. Not interested in maxing my hours. Going home now after 4 1/2 hours. Good luck to all those people who want to spend all their life’s at work

Surely only a madman would want to spend their life at work. Don’t however confuse “wanting” to work with “needing” to work. It’s the harsh reality of todays economic climate that many many people need to work far longer hours than they’d like to merely to maintain the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to.

Whilst we keep getting told that inflation is only x% we who live in the real world know that our weekly shopping goes up by much more than that on a seemingly weekly basis.

It could be said that one should cut ones cloth accordingly, but in reality that aint gonna happen.

How many here are putting money aside each month? Not as many as were say ten years ago I’d wager.

the maoster:

I never use it. Not interested in maxing my hours. Going home now after 4 1/2 hours. Good luck to all those people who want to spend all their life’s at work

Surely only a madman would want to spend their life at work. Don’t however confuse “wanting” to work with “needing” to work. It’s the harsh reality of todays economic climate that many many people need to work far longer hours than they’d like to merely to maintain the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to.

Whilst we keep getting told that inflation is only x% we who live in the real world know that our weekly shopping goes up by much more than that on a seemingly weekly basis.

It could be said that one should cut ones cloth accordingly, but in reality that aint gonna happen.

How many here are putting money aside each month? Not as many as were say ten years ago I’d wager.

Too many people live beyond their means. I make sure that we can live on my basic each week. Anything over that is a bonus.