My first week!!!

Well not quite been there a week, started Monday and only just finished the induction today :laughing:
The induction - Garnerlives did say about it but I wasnt quite prepared for how much there was :open_mouth:
Anyway, Ive got the hire car which I was told I could take home with me but I left it at the depot because I wasnt going to leave my car parked overnight in Hounslow :open_mouth:
Anyway, tomorrow, Friday and all of next week Im out with a driver to learn the ropes - hopefully I’ll be allowed to drive!!!

Good luck with it all matey :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

you got writers cramp mate? Did you have hashley the trainer from Rochester there?

you got writers cramp mate? Did you have hashley the trainer from Rochester there?

No it was Pete, Pete and Roger from Dunstable… :wink:

Friday and all of next week Im out with a driver to learn the ropes - hopefully I’ll be allowed to drive!!!

will you post a pic with the breakdown truck next to your truck in it the mate it will make a change from the buses :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

… and Roger from Dunstable… :wink:

:open_mouth: Blimey Stu, I did a double-take for a mo just then, I thought you wrote Roger from Leicester till I cleaned my specs. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: