Advise please

I used 2 10 hour drives mon and tue had 36 hours rest fri and Sat can I use another 10

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Why wouldn’t you be allowed?

By the sounds of it.

Youve had a weekly rest, albeit reduced, so yes, you now have two ten hours drives to play with.

You will obviously have too compensate for the reduced weekly rest.

Not today (Sunday) you can’t.

I dont think you can do one till after midnight on Sunday,as the week runs from early Mon to Sun so it would mean you have done 3 10 hour drives within the week if you did one Sunday,…I think :confused:

I used 2 10 hour drives mon and tue had 36 hours rest fri and Sat can I use another 10

You can have two 10 hour drive in each fixed week, so you can’t legally extend another 9 hour drive until after midnight Sunday.

Not until after midnight tonight. You can do two 10’s in a fixed week. The fixed week is midnight Sunday to midnight the following Sunday.

You don’t have to run to a fixed week.
Your week can run from the end of a weekly rest even if taken mid week.

You don’t have to run to a fixed week.
Your week can run from the end of a weekly rest even if taken mid week.

You can have two extended driving shift per fixed week.

It doesn’t matter when you have your weekly rest period the extended driving shifts are still calculated in the fixed week Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight.

You don’t have to run to a fixed week.
Your week can run from the end of a weekly rest even if taken mid week.

Totally wrong mate. You are mistaking a working week with a fixed week. It is possible for example to start your working week on a Saturday and do (if you haven’t already in that week done a 10 hr drive), 10 hour drive Saturday, 10 hour drive Sunday, 10 hour drive Monday and a 10 hour drive Tuesday.

Your working week runs from whenever you finished your weekly rest. A fixed week runs from midnight Sunday, no ifs buts or deviations from that.

You don’t have to run to a fixed week.
Your week can run from the end of a weekly rest even if taken mid week.

There might be a small clue in the words fixed week…

Extracts from: DVSA;s EU & AETR rules on drivers hours

Note: An actual working week starts at the end of a weekly rest period, and finishes when another weekly rest period is commenced, which may mean that weekly rest is taken in the middle of a fixed (Monday–Sunday) week. This is perfectly acceptable – the working week is not required to be aligned with the ‘fixed’ week defined in the rules, provided all the relevant limits are complied with.

The maximum daily driving time can be increased to 10 hours twice a week (Does not say fixed week)

Extracts from: DVSA;s EU & AETR rules on drivers hours

Note: An actual working week starts at the end of a weekly rest period, and finishes when another weekly rest period is commenced, which may mean that weekly rest is taken in the middle of a fixed (Monday–Sunday) week. This is perfectly acceptable – the working week is not required to be aligned with the ‘fixed’ week defined in the rules, provided all the relevant limits are complied with.

The maximum daily driving time can be increased to 10 hours twice a week (Does not say fixed week)

I’m not sure what you’re reading but the DVSA publication GV262 says:

The maximum daily driving time can be increased to 10 hours twice in a fixed week; for example:

See here under 1.3 Breaks and Driving limits.

Yep, same publication GV262

Once again you are confusing “working week” with “fixed week” two different things. I admire your tenacity and complete belief that you are right and we are all wrong though. :smiley: