Advice on agency work during holidays

Hi all,

I have some holidays to take and to earn a bit of extra money before christmas
I was thinking about doing a few shifts with an agency.

I have spoken to my transport manager and he is ok with this he would want copies
of tacho charts etc.

I would be grateful for any advice to make sure I dont break any rules when doing this.
also if I was off for a couple of days and I had enough hours could I do the odd shift?

As long as you meet the daily and weekly rest requirements for EU drivers hours you are OK there.

However the Working Time Directive throws a spanner in the works. Basically over a 26 week reference period you have a maximum of 1248hrs you can work in that 26 weeks, regardless of who you work for. A full week off is classed as a 48hr week under the rules to prevent employers from using holidays to get the average down. If you are already quite high for your weekly average over the current reference period, doing a part time week or say 40hr week whilst on holiday could bring that down more than taking a weeks paid holiday would. But if you did the average 55hr week, that could increase your weekly average over the current reference period reducing the amount you can work for your main employer over the 26 week reference period.

To comply with the WTD, the agency would need a copy of your hours you’ve done for every week from your employer prior to the ones you do for the agency for the agencies current reference period. When you go back to your employer, you’d have to give them information about the hours you did for the agency. Basically, if you work for more than one employer, each employer has to have information about what you did for all other employers in order to comply with WTD.

The reality is that for a few shifts I doubt anyone would care.

A full week off is classed as a 48hr week under the rules to prevent employers from using holidays to get the average down.

This is how i’m getting my average down now,we get 34 days holiday a year,so any days after your statutory 28 are booked as 0 on the WTD spreadsheet :wink:

…just have a holiday. Whats up with ya? :smiley:

This is the problem with the wtd and digi cards , i wanted to do this ,but decided against it as it would show up on my digicard, company says we cant work for no one else as it would mess up wtd , which as far as im concerned is a load of ■■■■■■ The cost of everything has gone up but not allowed to do some extra shifts , what a load of w8nk. Barsteward brussells lot will be coining it in with extra directerships and milking the gravy boat , me and you not a chance . :smiling_imp:

This is the problem with the wtd and digi cards , i wanted to do this ,but decided against it as it would show up on my digicard, company says we cant work for no one else as it would mess up wtd , which as far as im concerned is a load of [zb],

Sadly, they’re right. As I said in my example, if you were doing less than 48hrs it would in fact be beneficial to your employer. But do you honestly expect them to see that?