Lorries Driving 5MPH Bring Motorway Close To Standstill In P

The most effective “civil disobedience” protests going on right now - are the many boats crossing the channel, completely ignoring UK laws, even those written before Brexit.

(1) Skippers, guilty of “People Trafficing” - are routinely NOT boarded by authority for the purpose of punishing the said Skippers for their illegal “Cargo”.

(2) All prisoners taken - are then completed on their way to blighty, thus defying the country’s attempts to deport anyone.

(3) French authorities - are openly defying British legisilation in aiding and abetting such criminal activity, because they know damned well that it’ll not be enforced by this soft-as-hyte government who can’t even enforce our own laws, much less defy those of the EU.

Any “Civil Disobedience” campaign that thus merely offends the British Taxpaying Public from afar rather than on-the-spot in-your-face up-and personal like the road blocking campaigns do - is more effective than something that has already alienated the British Public at large.

Strikes - also don’t work for the same reason in their current format.

The most effective strike - would be the old-fashioned “Sabotage” type. Doesn’t involve hurting anyone, but machinary at factories - doesn’t work, because a vital component has gone walkies, let’s say…

Concrete Blocks could be put down, for example by the haulage industry to block things like access to places the public wouldn’t lose any sleep over such access being blocked, eg. VOSA stations, Tax Offices, and Council Buildings.
Nothing gets damaged, nothing gets stolen, the public are not obstructed.

No public upset (even those who work for such places, as they’d be stood down on full pay!)
Government upset full time - but who cares?

= Effective protest.