Lorries Driving 5MPH Bring Motorway Close To Standstill In P

Lorries Driving 5MPH Bring Motorway Close To Standstill In Protest Over Fuel Prices

ladbible.com/news/uk-convoy … aIABKvM6O0

The irony that these lorry drivers were berating the climate protesters for blocking the roads and causing havoc to innocent people. Now they do the same.


Lorries Driving 5MPH Bring Motorway Close To Standstill In Protest Over Fuel Prices

ladbible.com/news/uk-convoy … aIABKvM6O0

The irony that these lorry drivers were berating the climate protesters for blocking the roads and causing havoc to innocent people. Now they do the same.


Those berating protesters?
Are they the same drivers involved in this?

Or are truckers more likely to hold a broad range of views as a group?

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Lorries Driving 5MPH Bring Motorway Close To Standstill In Protest Over Fuel Prices

ladbible.com/news/uk-convoy … aIABKvM6O0

The irony that these lorry drivers were berating the climate protesters for blocking the roads and causing havoc to innocent people. Now they do the same.


The difference is that the price of fuel is a real actual man made solvable problem, unlike climate change.

The difference between them is that the price of fuel really is a crisis that demands urgent action, so good on them for starting protests again. The other muppets are just woke millennials and various other freaks that have gotten bored of pulling statues down

I want to be berated by a passing motorist just for the cameras

The difference between them is that the price of fuel really is a crisis that demands urgent action, so good on them for starting protests again. The other muppets are just woke millennials and various other freaks that have gotten bored of pulling statues down

Theyll never get bored of that - and theyll never put the hourly rate up either

Any protest, that upsets no-one, will get zero publicity, and so be useless.
Whether it is an issue you agree with, or not, that`s pretty much the way it is.
You want to have a voice? I think you should have one. So should everyone else. In the absence of anything else, here we are.

At least it’s
on a saturday, so hopefully will have less effect on commercial traffic.

God on wheels:
At least it’s
on a saturday, so hopefully will have less effect on commercial traffic.

And they appeared to be using one lane.

One brain one drain one ■■■■■■■■

The irony that these lorry drivers were berating the climate protesters for blocking the roads and causing havoc to innocent people. Now they do the same.


Same weapon.But opposite sides and motives.
Why wouldn’t anyone who is on the side of the road transport industry back saving it from the intentions of the anti road transport groups.
The government can afford to reduce road fuel duty because of the extra VAT that it’s getting from increasing fuel costs.

The most effective “civil disobedience” protests going on right now - are the many boats crossing the channel, completely ignoring UK laws, even those written before Brexit.

(1) Skippers, guilty of “People Trafficing” - are routinely NOT boarded by authority for the purpose of punishing the said Skippers for their illegal “Cargo”.

(2) All prisoners taken - are then completed on their way to blighty, thus defying the country’s attempts to deport anyone.

(3) French authorities - are openly defying British legisilation in aiding and abetting such criminal activity, because they know damned well that it’ll not be enforced by this soft-as-hyte government who can’t even enforce our own laws, much less defy those of the EU.

Any “Civil Disobedience” campaign that thus merely offends the British Taxpaying Public from afar rather than on-the-spot in-your-face up-and personal like the road blocking campaigns do - is more effective than something that has already alienated the British Public at large.

Strikes - also don’t work for the same reason in their current format.

The most effective strike - would be the old-fashioned “Sabotage” type. Doesn’t involve hurting anyone, but machinary at factories - doesn’t work, because a vital component has gone walkies, let’s say…

Concrete Blocks could be put down, for example by the haulage industry to block things like access to places the public wouldn’t lose any sleep over such access being blocked, eg. VOSA stations, Tax Offices, and Council Buildings.
Nothing gets damaged, nothing gets stolen, the public are not obstructed.

No public upset (even those who work for such places, as they’d be stood down on full pay!)
Government upset full time - but who cares?

= Effective protest.

Nuke Paris.

That will teach them.


Good on them :smiley:

5mph on the A1(M) Western Bypass? Those who know the area know that’s just a normal working day :laughing:
Speaking of fuel prices, this week at Washington/Birtley services just off the A1(M) where the protest was - Ouch!

Diesel needs to be expensive because we need to leave oil in the ground. That doesn’t mean that hauliers should suffer, and extra fuel costs should be passed on to the end consumer and the government should make more tax allowances so that people can make ends meet financially. Expensive diesel means alternative fuel sources become more competitive and pushes forward research and development into those alternatives.

Diesel needs to be expensive because we need to leave oil in the ground. That doesn’t mean that hauliers should suffer, and extra fuel costs should be passed on to the end consumer and the government should make more tax allowances so that people can make ends meet financially. Expensive diesel means alternative fuel sources become more competitive and pushes forward research and development into those alternatives.

The price of Methane has risen at the pump also. Last week filled up at 1.855 euros and 2.155 euros per kilo.
(This price is in no way connected to coffee consumption by tanker drivers, underpaid as we are)

Diesel needs to be expensive because we need to leave oil in the ground. That doesn’t mean that hauliers should suffer, and extra fuel costs should be passed on to the end consumer and the government should make more tax allowances so that people can make ends meet financially. Expensive diesel means alternative fuel sources become more competitive and pushes forward research and development into those alternatives.

No one is ‘leaving any oil in the ground’.
In fact more oil is being produced with new sources being surveyed and brought online throughout the world including the North Sea.
There is no other affordable alternative.
At best you’re just going to remove dependence on cheap safe oil and gas and put it on unaffordable dangerous nuclear energy instead.
While our fossil fuel resources are just exported to be burnt elsewhere.As is happening in Norway.
How will you fund the NHS etc with all these supposed ‘tax allowances’ when the pre tax prices of ‘other’ energy sources including Hydrogen, are higher than than the price of petrol and diesel ‘including’ taxes.
It’s time to tell the Greta supporters to do one they and she have no mandate for this unaffordable anything but green nuke fuelled nightmare.

I’ve just about had enough of people affecting my life,because they’re unhappy with their’s.
How’s about ■■■■■■■ right off?
I’ll kill some ■■■■■