Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

Which coachbuilder’s sleeper conversion does it have? My recollection of them is hazy. IIRC, they have been discussed on here before.

Is that a Willeme behind the Leyland? Both wagons look a bit more beavy duty than a typi al GB six wheeler of the time.

Brossel perhaps, or more likely Hotchkiss (looking at the headlamps). Ashok also did a cab for Israel. Here’s a useful link:



Which coachbuilder’s sleeper conversion does it have? My recollection of them is hazy. IIRC, they have been discussed on here before.

Is that a Willeme behind the Leyland? Both wagons look a bit more beavy duty than a typi al GB six wheeler of the time.

No idea about the coachbuilder who added a bunk to the LAD cab, but the truck behind is indeed a Willeme with a Cottard Horizon cab.

Meanwhile in Italy… still earning their keep…



Here’s a French ad’ for the Beaver, commercialised by Hotchkiss. No sleeper cab though.

A mixed bunch of black and white pics

Down the Italian graveyards


Nice old pic, when things were less frantic than today


These would also look good in the Heavy haulage through the years run by some young fella from the Netherlands. Some seriously heavy loads being transported.

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Meanwhile back in 1990…



These would also look good in the Heavy haulage through the years run by some young fella from the Netherlands. Some seriously heavy loads being transported.

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Young fella? From Holland? Doesn’t ring a bell Johnny, reckoned there were only old geezers on here…? …coat…

Meanwhile back in 1990…

Great pictures Patrick.

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Meanwhile back in 1990…

Almost 30 years since the Magnum was first produced! A sensational truck, but only for long-distance haulage; climbing in its cab is rather awkward. The dashboard style looks awful today.

Another Bernard from days gone by.

I found this Bernard Corgi model (CORGI CAMION BERNARD TYPE 110 CHOCOLAT MENIER) for sale on ebay -

The true 6-wheel Menier Bernard is beautiful; unfortunately, the Corgi model bears most unrealistic wheels, which ruins it.

The true 6-wheel Menier Bernard is beautiful; unfortunately, the Corgi model bears most unrealistic wheels, which ruins it.

The model appears to be of a completely different vehicle, possibly from a decade or so earlier. It has different front wings, for example. That is today’s challenge- on what vehicle is the Corgi model actually based? :slight_smile:

Laffly preserved , they sold most as firetrucks.

A neat little truck. The front bumpers could have been used as a picnic table…

Some old black and white pic’s…

Mines the La Rochelle to Paris Berliet…beautiful !!

Over to you Froggy for descriptions :wink:

Few more