British road Services

Dennis not too bothered about being the main man second in command would do, they get the job of pulling hard down on the legs just in case the main man has’nt got the weight right, still don’t want paying though i’ll use the bus pass to get there and at the minute that costs nowt.
thanks harry long retired.

pdw had a look at that but it’s a bit big to go in the drive, i see it was sold today, had a go in a scammell crusader back in the seventies, drove my mates when he was on holiday and i thought it was one hell of a motor for it’s time.
thanks harry long retired.

Very interesting PDW, I cannot get myself to part with money to buy another car! Harry and you other fellows I am in total agreement with you, if it was put to the voters, it would be in now,but our honest politicians vote no, because some of them are afraid it may be used on them. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Only if they have an orange in their mouth Norm. :smiling_imp: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

Dave well remembered about the orange thingy, i’d forgotten.
thanks harry long retired.

Hi Harry,
I don’t mind buying a few boxes of oranges for them. :smiling_imp: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

More than me Dave, I would be sorry to give them the sweat off my brow, most of them do it just for the career and what money they can make, a fine example is the last prime minster. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I will probably be shot for saying this Harry,the only good un is a dead un. :smiling_imp: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

I do not know Dave, they would probaly claim for two funerals, and a golden send off payment.

There are plenty with a Hymac who would do it for free Norm. :smiling_imp: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

Just hope their execution squad are good shots, because i agree with you 100% Dave, so it looks like there will be at least two of us in the line-up, surely they must be able to do something right and i bet they’ll find a way of claiming expenses out of it.
thanks harry long retired.

Another BRS group vehicle rally is being organised this year on July 4th at the Lincoln Farm Cafe, Meriden.An authentic old cafe with a large lorry park
with authentic potholes. If anyone has an old BRS truck or knows someone who has get in touch with Robin Masters,15 Lime Street,Evesham,Worcs for entry details.
I managed to take the Bristol that was given to Bristol museum to the last rally but I do not know if this will be possible again. Perhaps a trucknet get together could be arranged. Norman and Harry could argue it out or even carry out a couple of these executions that have been mentioned.

Three Bristols ready to leave for the last event.[

Another BRS group vehicle rally is being organised this year on July 4th at the Lincoln Farm Cafe, Meriden.An authentic old cafe with a large lorry park
with authentic potholes. If anyone has an old BRS truck or knows someone who has get in touch with Robin Masters,15 Lime Street,Evesham,Worcs for entry details.
I managed to take the Bristol that was given to Bristol museum to the last rally but I do not know if this will be possible again. Perhaps a trucknet get together could be arranged. Norman and Harry could argue it out or even carry out a couple of these executions that have been mentioned.


Anyone know what happened to Dave Tarbucks Bristol 290 HOA ex. Oldbury depot, is it still about? I had the pleasure of driving it once, it was a cracking machine to drive and surprised a few modern trucks on the motorway with its speed :smiley: :smiley:

My wife had a new knee fitted, and I drive her mad, and i do not need a hgv licence, she is Irish so she is a little green, could I enter her in the parcel vehicle parade. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Harry and Norman,I was in the loft loking for a book today and found a photo of a couple of vehicles for you.Ill try and post them tomorrow.P.S. Had dry pants since the jokes stopped.

Nice to hear from you Robert glad you enjoyed our mad session, the years have rolled by since you use to come to our aid when on the tankers for Carlsberg and Bulwalks.

Here they are Harry and Norman.Take your pick Now these appear to have been restored,so it will be the drivers responsibility to keep them clean and tidy.,Water, oil and tyres to be checked daily and under no circumstances should passengers of the fairer ■■■ be allowed in the cab unless for medicinal purposes. Sorry for the quality of the photos, havn’t quite got the hang of scanning from books.You might even ship one over to Chris in the I.O.M. and the other one you could give to Dave so he can follow the two of you around and learn all the fiddles. Oops I mean how the job was done in the BRS days. P.S.Smoniz for the outside and armorall for the inside.


Another BRS group vehicle rally is being organised this year on July 4th at the Lincoln Farm Cafe, Meriden.An authentic old cafe with a large lorry park
with authentic potholes. If anyone has an old BRS truck or knows someone who has get in touch with Robin Masters,15 Lime Street,Evesham,Worcs for entry details.
I managed to take the Bristol that was given to Bristol museum to the last rally but I do not know if this will be possible again. Perhaps a trucknet get together could be arranged. Norman and Harry could argue it out or even carry out a couple of these executions that have been mentioned.


Anyone know what happened to Dave Tarbucks Bristol 290 HOA ex. Oldbury depot, is it still about? I had the pleasure of driving it once, it was a cracking machine to drive and surprised a few modern trucks on the motorway with its speed :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Trev , i remember that bristol when it was at BRS`s training centre @ bromford lane . BRS northampton used to send you there for driver training etc & Dave was the centre manager(in the eighties)

Photos of lorries never came through,my heads like mince after reading carryfasts deliberations.Anyway here they are now,don’t fall out about them.

Hi Robert,
Cracking pics and info. I don’t think anyone is going to fall out about those. Nice to see some British eight wheelers.
Cheers Dave.