Potential euro trips

So the gaffer has just said we will be starting euro runs.

7 weeks into lgv1 driving, should I be volunteering?

If you want to drive further than the UK, then take the opportunity, if you wait because you feel you need more experience the offer might not come round again.
7 weeks driving doesn’t really matter; it’s still driving a truck.

Do I get paid more?

That’s between you and your boss, although I believe you can claim more on night out allowance.

Is parking in Europe free?

Generally yes it’s free, motorway services etc, but although they’re generally better than the UK, try and find the places off the motorways, Routiers in France, Autohof’s in Germany etc.

Mostly these are free, but you might have to pay a parking fee, the cost of which comes off your meal, or the parking fee is say €15 and so is the price of the meal, (including your Vin Rouge and Café.) so you get a parking ticket, but don’t spend cash on your meal.

How does the 45hr rest period work? Cab or hotel?

Not sure about that one, the nature of my job meant I always have a hotel if I was weekending for more than 24hrs.
But I believe the regs have now been clarified that you are not allowed to stay in a cab for a full weekly rest, but whether every country applies those regs are a different matter.

How long does euro trips usually last?

As long as is required?
I think many do 2 weeks, so you’re only away for your reduced weekly rest and back home for a full weekly rest and any compensating hours due.
But some can be away for weeks or months if it’s that sort of job, things like music tours, event work.

Do many questions, please help

I assume you mean so many questions,

But yes loads of new things to learn, but despite what some would tell you, driving round Europe isn’t some wild west adventure, it also isn’t empty roads, (although often far less busy than the UK) there are traffic jams, bad drivers, full service areas, delays at ports, etc, but on the whole I think it’s far better than driving in the UK.