Any old promotor drivers around

Thanks for sharing that Brian, yet again I found that post very interesting. :smiley:
I have a slight feeling that I might of asked you this before but what is the name of the guy wearing the green polo shirt who is stood next to that Mack as I am sure that I have seen him somewhere before.
A couple of pages back you showed a few pictures of boats around The Galata Bridge in Istanbul, well the small blue and red rowing boat looked fairly familiar so I had to go through all my old photos to see if I had taken a photo of it myself all those years ago. I eventually found the one that I was looking for only to see that it wasn’t the same one. Although you might remember seeing these guys as they were moored not far away from where we used to catch the ferry over The Bosphorus to go to The Harem.

Many years ago here on Trucknet one of the old middle men called Hughie Ashton or Biffo who worked for Funstons wrote a story of one of his trips to Iran which I think that you might enjoy so if I can find it in the Trucknet Archives then I shall repost it as it’s well worth reading again.

And going slightly off topic (again) as Promotors were based in Sevenoaks I thought that you might be interested in seeing this little You Tube clip as you might of driven down the High Street once or twice, enjoy.

In fact Brian, here is the page link with Biffo’s story on it so you might recognise a few of the old names on here
