Talking on Bluetooth handsfree


Rick W:

There’s a bloke at Volvo Trucks who spends his working life studying truck accidents and driver behaviour. He investigates ever serious accident involving a Volvo truck in Sweden.

He describes those memory blackouts as being mostly harmless…your subconscious brain is processing everything it needs to.

It has to be said that in Sweden they don’t seem to see mobile phone use as an issue…everyone seems to do it. so that’s their view.

But from a UK perspective, if a phone is involved…and the conversation is particularly protracted and engaging…then maybe it is a case of being distracted. There’s obviously a current court case so say no more…

Have you a link to this guy in Sweden?
Anyone that says driving on auto pilot is harmless is talking absolute nonsense.

And what is worse is that you obviously believe him. :unamused:

His name is Carl Johan Almqvist. Google him and loads of interesting stuff comes up.

I have experienced one very strange ‘blank’ moment.

I was riding a nearly new BMW K75…which dates the story a little… back to the importers in Bracknell, from where I worked in Peterborough. I had a ‘moment’ on the M25 when I could not remember where I was going or why. Everything was fine…I just felt utterly dislocated from the goal of my journey.

Cheers Gas Gas, I will read with great interest.