

Hi bob your firm asked me to scan cages off the truck as well as all the other admin stuff they want.I told them I was a driver.Another [zb] company with [zb] wages.Anyway [zb] em how are you big boy.Still fighting I see.Respect Bob

Every day is a fighting day, just wish I had corner for support :angry:

I love scanning…
Management “Don’t leave the yard until you’re logged on!!!”
Me “But sir I have done all my ops13 and am ready to leave!!!”
Management “Wait until your logged on please”
Me “Ok”…
… 30 mins later…
Me “Still can’t get logged on!!!”
Management “Ok… Just go”


Great fun and the recent question is “What height is the fifth wheel on this particular vehicle■■?” as it is DHL policy to know your correct height before going out the gate :grimacing:

Simples carry a tape measure !