Worst employer ever

I have had the good fortune to work for some superb bosses, but occasionally some REALLY bad ones.

Without a shadow of a doubt the worst I have ever encountered were Wolf International (formerly Silver Wolf) who work out of Marbella in Spain, they also have a yard in Essex.

Driving a 5 year old Scania 144 I was expected to leave Marbella at six on a Thursday evening and be in their UK yard 0630 Monday - up to 6 collections in Valencia on the way. Then a kip and back on the boat to Calais that night - usually getting down as far as Tours by 9 ish on the tuesday morning.

The expected arrival time in Marbella was no later than midnight wednesday, as I had to tip and then run to Gibraltar, finally finishing at about 5 on the thursday evening.

The only possible way to do this job was with blank cards!!! And guess what the pay was… 600 euros per trip - cash. But they keep 150 of it back just in case you decide to jack it in at short notice (as if you would), and if youre a good boy its handed over prior to your next trip!!

Try Gomez at Molina de Segura or Campillo Palmera or Paconsa, all same place. :wink:

Sounds like some of the irish guys i worked for, i know a bloke who’s regular run was out on rosslare cherbourg sat afternoon, first drop madrid monday next gibralter tuesday, dont know how long this would take but always sounded a rite [zb] of a run to me.

If you have to miss-spell a word, to get it past the auto-censor, consider that as a clue that it isn’t allowed. Simon.

Cowan Bros

Once worked for a Dutchman, was paid £500 a week cash in Scottish £20 notes :open_mouth: this bloke had 4 passports, 3 wives, a house in Russia, an internet site full of Russian women who want to come to Europe, etc etc, and was very very dodgy! I gave it 3 weeks, missed my bed and jacked it in.

Once worked for a Dutchman, was paid £500 a week cash in Scottish £20 notes :open_mouth: this bloke had 4 passports, 3 wives, a house in Russia, an internet site full of Russian women who want to come to Europe, etc etc, and was very very dodgy! I gave it 3 weeks, missed my bed and jacked it in.

I think I know him :smiley:

Speed Freight European (before it changed its name to GBExpress),ship out Sunday,clear Zona Franca,Barcelona, on Tuesday ,tip,reload, clear up to Centre Routier Bordeaux ,change trailers and go straight back to Barcelona ,repeat preformance,then back to Cherbourg to catch the boat Friday night to Poole.They had a very flexible view to hours.

kerbut Clear @ Zona Franca…? Are they running TIR…?

kerbut Clear @ Zona Franca…? Are they running TIR…?

I think you’ll find kerbut is talking about a good few years ago. Note he said before they changed there name to GB Express which probably puts it back at least into the 80’s

It was when “T” suffix was a new truck,whatever that year was.

kerbut Glad we cleared that up. I thought it was some weird airfreight deal…

i pulled traction for them while working for hj cutlers in poole,they were partly taken over by p.o.freight at coventry and they are trans alliance in another guise.

p&o cov is now wincanton B&Q depot

Wolf International■■?

Is that the same Wolf that have a yard near Fradley on the A38? Its just down from Lichfield International Freight.

Wheel Nut:

Once worked for a Dutchman, was paid £500 a week cash in Scottish £20 notes :open_mouth: this bloke had 4 passports, 3 wives, a house in Russia, an internet site full of Russian women who want to come to Europe, etc etc, and was very very dodgy! I gave it 3 weeks, missed my bed and jacked it in.

I think I know him :smiley:

I wish I did!! :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Have you read the ■■■■■■■ story in Comical Motor about the owner driver?

Left the uk on wednesday, tipped Barcelona with 10 drops. and loaded Valencia and back in Dieppe on Saturday complaining he was tired

If I had found them drivers I would still be running trucks :smiley: