Why going working to Australia?

If it were that good wouldn’t that many Australia leave there Country.
I am sure you would earn your Life there,and you could pay your Bills,but it must be a other reason to go,as you could do all here too.
Just go to eastern Europe,driving for a British Company and being over weekend in Poland,or anywhere at Home.
I rekon that many like the View of Pictures they see in TV and Magazins,and mean all Life there is that romantic.
But if you are realist :unamused:
i am not sure that each one would find the Stone of Wisdom there

I agree. I think someone’s been handing out a lot of rose-tinted glasses over this past few years with people wanting to be off to Spain, Canada, USA and Australia without realising that these countries have plenty of their own issues which are often worse than the ones we have to put up with here. :bulb:

is there not a Marshall depot?

is there not a Marshall depot?

Yes. :confused:

Go there and see for yourself peeps :smiley: The lifestyle alone is worth it, I, like most people want the best for my mrs and kids and what I have seen is enough to send me packing. NO rose tinted glasses by the way,I’ve been there,my wife and myself have many family members living in Oz and compared to what we call’ living’ in the UK there is simply no contest. I concede its not for everyone but don’t knock it till you try it as they say :sunglasses:

And there’s no EEC!

Go there and see for yourself peeps :smiley: The lifestyle alone is worth it, I, like most people want the best for my mrs and kids and what I have seen is enough to send me packing. NO rose tinted glasses by the way,I’ve been there,my wife and myself have many family members living in Oz and compared to what we call’ living’ in the UK there is simply no contest. I concede its not for everyone but don’t knock it till you try it as they say :sunglasses:

I like Great Britain.
But when i traveled to or through was it more romantish then now by leaving here,as i now see the hard alldayover.
In past sah i just the funny side and people took me more as Visitor,Guest,and made me welcome.
But if you leave and work in UK feel you more like a peace from a Cake and you have to swim with the Crowd