The things they say vosa

On Friday morning a colleage of mine was stopped at a VOSA checkpoint and the guy took the tachos and they did all the vehicel checks etc

When they pulled him in the VOSA guy said good morning how are you ?

My mate said I would be a lot better if you hadn,t stopped me i am on my way back to the yard.

The guy said we will try not to keep you I can see you have been out all week

When my mate asked him what he meant by that he just went bright red

Now the funny thing about that is that the driver is a day driver not a tramper he just looks a bit scruffy and has body odour smells :laughing:

My mate was talking about reporting him because when they came back to him with his tacho charts the other guy said at least the tachos are clean mate off yer go :wink: :wink:

So he had a point then? He needs a wash!

I can understand a tramper kicking up a bit toward the end of the week, but a day bloke? no need really.

So he had a point then? He needs a wash!

I can understand a tramper kicking up a bit toward the end of the week, but a day bloke? no need really.

OH Hi he stinks like a drain lol I just thought it were funny

That is the new division of VOSA.

Nice to see VOSA have sense of smell. Erm i mean humour. :laughing:

VOSA officers can be a bit thick though.
Three of ours got pulled. They checked the cards of the first. He was 4 hours short on his weekly rest so he was parked up for 45 hours. They didn’t bother checking the cards of the other 2. They just weighed them and let them go. :unamused:
How lucky was that?
If they used a bit of grey matter, the word “Probability” would spring to mind.

Nice to see VOSA have sense of smell. Erm i mean humour. :laughing:

VOSA officers can be a bit thick though.
Three of ours got pulled. They checked the cards of the first. He was 4 hours short on his weekly rest so he was parked up for 45 hours. They didn’t bother checking the cards of the other 2. They just weighed them and let them go. :unamused:
How lucky was that?
If they used a bit of grey matter, the word “Probability” would spring to mind.

That is why they use Morris Dancers as VOSA staff, they get a result and go off skipping and holding hands :stuck_out_tongue:

Got pulled the other week in an empty tanker, for a weight check. Midlift was up and axle on trailer yet they didnt believe I was empty, they had to tap the tank with rubber mallet, before letting me on my way! :open_mouth:

Once got weighed, coming out of dublin, at flying saucer, with an empty flat trailer !! was nothing on it only sheets. genious dept of transport.

I got pulled in with a fridge, i said i’m empty… We dont know that though, i said ask me nicely and i’ll open the door for you!! [zb]'s

Nice to see VOSA have sense of smell. Erm i mean humour. :laughing:

VOSA officers can be a bit thick though.
Three of ours got pulled. They checked the cards of the first. He was 4 hours short on his weekly rest so he was parked up for 45 hours. They didn’t bother checking the cards of the other 2. They just weighed them and let them go. :unamused:
How lucky was that?
If they used a bit of grey matter, the word “Probability” would spring to mind.

I thought VOSA only parked us foreigners up for hours infringements such as the one mentioned - and took perverse pleasure in making Brit drivers lifes hell for the smallest misdemeanour.


I drive for the paddies, So it’s the same as being treated like a foreigner.
The authorities in the UK are so obsessed about being accused of racism that they discriminate against the Brits. How racist is that? :unamused: :laughing:

ps. Theres a topic on euro driving forum you may be able to help me with.

I once got pulled just outside Holyhead in a royal Mail truck with container on .conversation went as follows…

Vosa… Are you loaded mate?

Me… Yes

Vosa…onto weighbridge then nice and slow etc etc

Me …Ok

Vosa… Thought you said you were loaded you only weigh 15500kg gross

Me… I am Ive only got 5 bags of mail

Vosa… Well why didnt you tell me?

Me… Well why didnt you ask?

Laughed all the way home :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I thought the Royal mail didn’t need to stop?
After all it’s an absolute offence to stop the Royal mail.


I thought the Royal mail didn’t need to stop?
After all it’s an absolute offence to stop the Royal mail.

That it is, UNLESS the RM driver is committing an offence.


youre right we dont have to stop, but i knew it was Vosa, and knew they wanted to weigh me, at the time I had 2 axle unit with 1 axle 30’ trailer plated at 28 tonnes,
But i also knew i only had 5 bags on and thought it might be underweight :unamused:

This was back in the 80s though and i now drive a tipper so im more worried about being pulled nowadays

:laughing: :laughing: got it :laughing: :laughing:

Back in the 70’s when I worked for a firm that made plastic drinking cups for vending machines, my wagon was a clapped out Leyland Mastiff pulling a 36ft box van trailer and I got pulled by the Ministry (pre VOSA days) into the weighbridge on the back road around Salisbury coming from Wilton towards Southampton (I think it was in a feedstuffs or agricultural merchants). The Ministry man asked me “are you loaded driver?” to which I replied " yes - up to the roof and right back to the back doors, full load". When he said " OK, pull onto the weighbridge then" I made it struggle a bit by pulling away in a high gear. You should have seen his face when the scales showed that I only had a few tons on board. When he then said “You told me you had a full load on, yet you have’nt got much weight on” I replied " You didn’t ask me what I was carrying, you only asked if I was loaded and I truthfully told you that I was". As our wagons at the time were just plain black and white cabs with no signwriting on them and the trailers were (usually dirty) unpainted aluminium he had no idea what I was carrying. As you can imagine, he didn’t like being shown up so he went through my log book with a fine-tooth comb, but he couldn’t find anything wrong there and the wheel tappers could’nt find any defect on the wagon (although they gave it a good going over) so I went on my way smiling.

i was always of the understanding that if they really wanted to find something wrong with the truck, they absolutely will.

i was always of the understanding that if they really wanted to find something wrong with the truck, they absolutely will.

Is there such a thing as a 100% perfect truck - or any other vehicle :question: :question:

You know, they may be always box of tacho discs laying on your windscreen and obstructing your view etc… :slight_smile: