Testing immigrants

As for not being allowed to fly flags etc. Many of the Immigrants that they are supposed offended by this are more offended by the fact that somebody is making them a special case. It’s the PC lobby that’s the problem.

WHICH IS what mals been trying to get across

Thats right Tez, nowt more or less, I actually am daft enough to really believe in real equality where as in nature, cream floats to the top, (not the fake non equal PC bollox) and the live and let live style! :laughing:

As for not being allowed to fly flags etc. Many of the Immigrants that they are supposed offended by this are more offended by the fact that somebody is making them a special case. It’s the PC lobby that’s the problem.

WHICH IS what mals been trying to get across

I know and I agree.
To keep it trucking based, if my boss employed a couple of East European drivers. I wouldn’t have a problem working with them and treat them the same as the other drivers. However I’d expect them to be treated the same as me and have a basic grasp of the language (not queens english, but be able to read delivery addresses and be understood, even if it was a bit pigeon and had an accent).
And before we get the I’ve worked with East Europeans and you lot don’t understand. I too have worked with East Europeans and found them to be friendly and hard working and most already spoke resonable English, Better than my Romainian or Slovak anyway. I did try though :laughing:

and if i was driving along in my daf 95xf and saw some bloke from a foriegn land asking for directions i would certainly do my best to point him in the right direction…as a lorry driver of course.

seriously though so as not to upset lucy or anyone else who thinks we shouldnt be able to discuss life in general i will refrain from any more input into this thread… :wink: :wink:

I bet there are loads of first and second generation immigrants of all types that do good here, I personally know a few

He’s right there I’m one of them

thast dont cause a fuss

Dont know about that bit tho :wink: :laughing:

I work and live in france,ie drive an artic nobody here speaks english so I had to learn french at my own expense take a french fcos course at my expense etc before I could work in france and do not get a penny(read cent for euro land)over here ,did not and would not get any preferenial treatment no wonder there are queue,s waiting in calais trying to grab the gravy train in england.froggy



For meself, I dont care a toss what people live like when they come here. But, I get riled as [zb] when their bleedin “culture” or religion has to be took into account, and there are cheeky demands made like taxpayer funded Muslim schools! Its PC crap, and dont happen in their countries, Live and let live, but dont ask the host population to change or foot the bill.

What about the vast number of immigrants to this country who through hard work and the setting up of successful businesses contribute millions to the Inland Revenue etc?

And what about those fine upstanding members of the ‘host population’ that never do an honest days work in their life and take every opportunity to cheat the system, and in doing so cost tax payers such as you and me Mal money? Or is that OK because they are ‘British’?

Point 1 Neil, Fair play to them, why would anybody have a problem with people that come and make good by their own labours also, do they want to shell out for these freeloaders either? And for the life of me, I cant see anywhere In any of my posts that goes against that, so if youd like to point it out I’ll deal with it.

Point 2, no, they are scroungers, British born or whatever, and should be made work, and easy way would be ceasing benefits after 2 years. Neil, dont even try to incinuate I got a racist motive mate, I aint, its fair play and economics Im on about, and all the PC garbage ive mentiond is anything but fair, its loaded by do-gooders to coddle the idle and the immigrant!

I wasn’t implying you had a racists motive Mal, if it came across as that then I apologise, I was just asking about, and seeking to clarify your point on the tax payer footing the bill when not all tax payers are non immigrants. You aksed about tax payers funding Muslim schools when many tax payers are Muslim? It’s been pointed out by someone else that ther are plenty of Catholic schools funded by the tax payer, no real difference I can see.

I also agree with you that a lot of the PC stuff goes way to far but that is hardly the fault of the immigrant, most of that is brought about by members of the host country who take it to extremes.

And with regards to johnys post, with regards to english life etc
Its more about that FACT that immigrants etc flock here to get free hand outs, and they take special treatment over British tax paying citizens, read my post about council homes for an example.
If i were in there position, i would do exaclty the same, i have no personal grievance with any of them, but i do have an issue with the way this country gives them special treatment, and that is FACT.

That’s my exact gripe too :angry:

north surrey haulage:

I bet there are loads of first and second generation immigrants of all types that do good here, I personally know a few

He’s right there I’m one of them

thast dont cause a fuss

Dont know about that bit tho :wink: :laughing:

Cheers Sean, Im glad for you to back that up M8! Where do your family roots come from then?

I know a bloke as well, Bill he likes to be called, he’s from a sikh family, he employed my wife in his business before the first kid came along. He dont need no do-gooding, he has done better in life financially than me, why? because he’s a better businessman. He didnt need handouts and special treatment, that is summat I always respect.




For meself, I dont care a toss what people live like when they come here. But, I get riled as [zb] when their bleedin “culture” or religion has to be took into account, and there are cheeky demands made like taxpayer funded Muslim schools! Its PC crap, and dont happen in their countries, Live and let live, but dont ask the host population to change or foot the bill.

What about the vast number of immigrants to this country who through hard work and the setting up of successful businesses contribute millions to the Inland Revenue etc?

And what about those fine upstanding members of the ‘host population’ that never do an honest days work in their life and take every opportunity to cheat the system, and in doing so cost tax payers such as you and me Mal money? Or is that OK because they are ‘British’?

Point 1 Neil, Fair play to them, why would anybody have a problem with people that come and make good by their own labours also, do they want to shell out for these freeloaders either? And for the life of me, I cant see anywhere In any of my posts that goes against that, so if youd like to point it out I’ll deal with it.

Point 2, no, they are scroungers, British born or whatever, and should be made work, and easy way would be ceasing benefits after 2 years. Neil, dont even try to incinuate I got a racist motive mate, I aint, its fair play and economics Im on about, and all the PC garbage ive mentiond is anything but fair, its loaded by do-gooders to coddle the idle and the immigrant!

I wasn’t implying you had a racists motive Mal, if it came across as that then I apologise, I was just asking about, and seeking to clarify your point on the tax payer footing the bill when not all tax payers are non immigrants. You aksed about tax payers funding Muslim schools when many tax payers are Muslim? It’s been pointed out by someone else that ther are plenty of Catholic schools funded by the tax payer, no real difference I can see.

I also agree with you that a lot of the PC stuff goes way to far but that is hardly the fault of the immigrant, most of that is brought about by members of the host country who take it to extremes.

We are in agreement there Neil, its the do-gooders, (and some “activists” from immigrant communities with vested interests) that USE people for gain, usually their own at the end of the day. Oh, on the Catholic schools, or any other special religion or whatever school, I agree entirely M8, if somebody wants a religious school, they can always make one and fund it thereselves cant they.

Like they do in Holland. They have to learn the language over there and learn about the Dutch way of life before theyr’e allowed to stay in the country.

Complete nonsense. I know an English girl who lives in Tilburg, who doesn`t speak a word of Flemish and who has never had to learn anything whatsoever about the Dutch way of life.


And with regards to johnys post, with regards to english life etc
Its more about that FACT that immigrants etc flock here to get free hand outs, and they take special treatment over British tax paying citizens, read my post about council homes for an example.
If i were in there position, i would do exaclty the same, i have no personal grievance with any of them, but i do have an issue with the way this country gives them special treatment, and that is FACT.

i beg to differ gurner,
bulldog wrote;
Alli’d like to know is if any other drivers like me think that immigrants should be put through some sort of test to see if they are willing to adapt to the English way of like before they are granted stay in this country. Like they do in Holland.

please note that bulldog posted this topic and although the post says english way of like i am capable of distinguishing a spelling mistake in there and know that he meant english way of life therefore i am on topic, you are being racist, the post does not refer to the benefits system but to the fact that there is a lack of knowledge amongst those coming here of our way of life, how we drive, why we drive, why we require 2 cars and the importance we place upon our freedom on the roads, what makes us tick etc. yes, i like everyone else know of scroungers from other countries who come here for what they can get but that isn’t what this post started about.
for that to be solved the government need to make drastic measures that will penalise all of the scroungers in this country, all of the benefits system and the people claiming benefits.
lets not go and tar them all with the same brush, there are many people coming here to work and to intigrate themselves within our society, i have a number of black friends who are proud to be english or british, my sister in law is one of them and i am proud to have her as my sister in law and her father and mother as my relatives too.

Then would you kindly point out where im being racist?

Then would you kindly point out where im being racist?

Quite :open_mouth: . I fail to see it too :confused:

Yes please do. :question:

gurner wrote;

In the local town, the counil have just built an estate with about 30 houses and 20 flats.
25 of the homes and 15 of the flats have been allocated for asylum seekers and immigrants !!! Please someone tell me what the hell is happening to this county, we are a push over a soft touch, and these people know it, dont spout the rubbish about they can move around blah blah blah, they come here for one reason and one reason only, because we are a soft touch and they seem to take a priority over british working citizens.


When the euro cup was on, certain places in england were banned from flying the st george flag because they didnt want to spark off any racial riots etc.
Well excuse me, if you come here and live off our country then expect to live by our laws and accept it or do the other thing.

our laws do not dictate that you can or should fly any flags, these people, those people, asylum seekers and immigrants.
the assertion of those people and these people is that they are different from you, asylum seekers and immigrants are different.
the post is about being english and learning the english way, so what is it?
the english way, the english way of life?
how do we now define the english way of life?
2,4 children etc, 2 cars in the drive, diy nutters, selfish buggers that don’t or can’t be bothered to give you the time of day, rushing around, road rage.
some of “those people” “these people” are now very successful business people, owning a number of small enterprises.
they came here saw that our shopkeepers were not prepared to work till late at night and open all day sunday despite there being a need for it and they bought up the shops and converted our way of life to a nearly 24/7 which in turn changed the supermarket opening trend to something similar but on a grander scale, the first shop where i lived as a kid to open all day sunday was owned by a pakistani family and i didn’t complain about that, in fact i thought it was a great idea cos the miserable git who had the shop before wouldn’t open till about 12.10 and had the closed sign up at 14.30.
he opened again at 19.30 and closed at 22.00 hrs.
there will be many good people come along to this country as well as many bad, all come to make their own lifes better, some by taking off others and some by giving hard work and commitment in return for a roof over their heads and food on the table.
it takes time to find out which is which and this government has not helped any by offering more than it (we) can afford to give.

Johnny, none of them comments you put in red were racist. Its PC gone mad to suggest they are, this is the entire problem! So, I for one am still waiting to see the racist comments! For the record, my (ex) brother in law is black, and my neice and nephew are half caste, I’ll bet me life they wouldnt see any of them comments as racist, in fact he used to get ■■■■■■■ off with my mom for always pussyfooting about him, but never told her as he was too nice! Thats the whole mad world of PC Johnny, and if youre into it fair play to you this is still a relatively free country (not for long tho i’d wager), but racist it aint. If you noticed, the origional topic got kicked into touch quick smart, and most of the comments later were off topic, so its ludicrous to keep harping on about the origional question aint it?

And with regards to johnys post, with regards to english life etc
Its more about that FACT that immigrants etc flock here to get free hand outs, and they take special treatment over British tax paying citizens, read my post about council homes for an example.
If i were in there position, i would do exaclty the same, i have no personal grievance with any of them, but i do have an issue with the way this country gives them special treatment, and that is FACT.

So ill ask you again, please will you kindly point out to me where i have made any reference to someone that has been racist.

thats probably why it got shifted here.
racism is a big problem within this industry especially, too many old ways type people still around.
blacks and asians suffer because of it yet many of them have the same class of licence as me and you and most users on this site but they struggle to remain in the industry because of prejudices, the comments that were once racist remarks (in no uncertain terms) have now been replaced by the words them, those people because of litigation.
end topic
lost interest.

Who was that last post addressed to Johnny? Do you like mysterys, hence no name used? Or are you ignorant?

But Gurner- you are descended from immigrants!

You are an Anglo Saxon- so why don`t you just go back home to Angeln (in Denmark) or Saxony (in Germany)■■?
