New site 2024

I`m not a moderator, and am not claiming expertise here!
But there are many posts with problems on the new site. There are also many answers and hints from lots of fellow members offering advice and hints, but they are spread out and scattered around so maybe a thread to help each other out?

I`ll start with a few separate posts so hopefully we can find what we want easily rather than look through a long post with more detail than we want at the time, see how it goes.


REPLYING to a post.
Click on blue reply button at bottom of thread for a new postā€¦orā€¦
Click on grey reply button at right of a post you want to refer to. That way the poster can be notified.

Look at grey icons in the reply box you type your message into.
First one ā€œspeech bubbleā€ will let you quote the post you refer to.
Fourth one ā€œchainā€ will enable a hyperlink to another post or outside site. Put address and title in pop up box.
Sixth one is ā€œup arrowā€ to upload piccie etc from your files.

Click onto your icon (coloured letter top right) and change your settings.
Scroll down to Head icon and click.
Then click cogwheel preferences icon, that`ll up various settings including the screen icon, which many seem to like. That can change the bright white background to a black or shaded one. Minor for some maybe, but it annoys some others.
Lots of other settings there too.

Personal Messages are now Direct Messages. Either on left side bar or via your icon top right.

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Your icon is top right. Click on that to
See notifications
See replies to you
Find out who is blowing kisses
Click on head icon to open up other options etc

Click on the 3 bars top left to open and close the left hand side bar and so get a larger main screen

Latest messages are on the right side, but you can search forums by looking at the titles in the list in screen center.

Once you find a thread
There is a narrow pale blue bar you can use to scroll very quickly to the newest.
Click on the time or date mark to the right of the post and that will give a grey box to jump to start or end of the thread.


thanks for doing this its a good idea. Trouble is who ever is running this forum in the background still seems to be in alpha test every time i come back something has changed. For example the banner on the home page they have removed the email address from it so you cant email the admins if you have issues logging on

4 wheel Fred (?) is seemingly busy at work. I am no techie, but he seems to be doing a lot in the background as you say. I have noticed what appears to be some of the older and picture laden threads from the site being bumped up onto this new one. Given a bit of patience I expect all the old stuff will find it`s way here and we will get used to it all.
I hope 4 wheel Fred is wearing his PPE though, some of the grumpy ole (and young) gits are after him! :grinning:

Be aware that the mods arenā€™t all back in again yet, nor have we really been told how the hell this thing works ourselves! :rage:

Itā€™s not poor Diesel Daveā€™s fault, heā€™s been trying to make a quart fit in a pint pot on the time/teaching/teaching prep/other work front and is also somewhat out of the loop, which is why Iā€™ve now reappeared to do a bit of ā€œground zeroā€ cover.

Justā€¦bear with us all, eh? Well, the two of us (me and Dave) who so far seem to have made it! (Mods, if you are out there somewhere, now would be a really good time to pipe up! and correct meā€¦please? :joy: )


Dont worry! We might all be fiddling and fannying about, but the www is more like bumper cars than full size 44- tonners. The www wont be broke by a few truckers. We (mostly) all will get used to it.

As I typed this I did notice that the auto -censor is now on. There were a peculiar few days on the other site when we were unleashed. But ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ? Reference to gases from a rear end? But fine tweaking will wait for another day. I just used fannying instead.

Uploading avatar photo. Click on top right username initial click on head and shoulders click and choose Preferences click on edit pencil by Profile Pic and upload from your photo files.

Lucy Simon has yet to receive email to log in he tried again on Monday hopefully third time lucky

Iā€™ve just checked the email I got and it says you have to click the forgot password link, and then enter your email, then they send you an email and you reset it. You can choose the same one as the old one. To be fair it does say this in a huge red banner on the main page :smile:

QUOTING in posts
Idiot's guide to quoting (no specific names)

Viewing Pictures.
On desktop site, click on picture once, and it then shows a ā€œdownloadā€ button and ā€œoriginal imageā€ in blue at the bottom. Hit the ā€œoriginal imageā€ and the picture is super sized. Clicking on it again will give even more enlargement, but usefulness depends on quality of the original. Use cursors at the side and base to examine different sections in detail.

Preview on mobile.
On a mobile when posting you can preview your post by clicking the icon that looks like a TV at the bottom right just under the post textbox, to return to edit mode click the edit icon bellow the post textbox.

Jump straight to first or last post of a thread.
On a PC and on a mobile when viewing a list of topics click on the replies count number and a popup box opens that allows you to go straight to the first or last posts in the thread.

Jump to specific post number or date when viewing a topic on a PC.
When viewing a thread on a PC click the hash button (#) and a jump-to box opens that allows you to jump to a post number or post date in the same thread.

Jump to specific post number or date when viewing a topic on a mobile.
On a mobile to get the jump-to box to open, you will see the post count box tap it and in the bottom left corner of the screen you will see a jump-to button partially obscured by the privacy button, hit the jump-to button and the jump-to box will open allowing you to jump straight to a post number or date in the same thread.

When a post is edited by the author, it seems to go to the top of the new post list.
So, if you tap on a ā€œnewā€ post that is actually an old one, maybe check to see what has been changed. It isn`t just a glitch in the notifications.

I wish to add to this excellent and useful thread for the benefit of members who may know other members who cannot get access to the site because theyā€™ve changed their email, had more than one ID on here in the past etc. Hereā€™s part of what Iā€™ve just posted on the ERF (European) 1975 thread. I hope itā€™s of some help.

I wish to be open, transparent and clean here chaps.

"Iā€™ve had three identities on TN over the years. When I was ERF-NGC-European, (my 2nd ID on TN) I also added what I called my ā€˜service IDā€™ posting very occasionally as Les Sylphides.

When the new TN2 opened this February, I tried to log on with my normal ERF user-name. However, the system by default sent the password change link to my old email address to which I no longer have access.

I tried to register afresh with a slightly different ERF user-name but the system wouldnā€™t let me on because my current email address was already taken by Les Sylphides. When I logged in using my current email address I was automatically logged in as Les_sylphides, leaving me no further option than to adopt my ā€˜serviceā€™ ID as my main one, (Admin were unable to change my user-name).

So please forgive me what may appear to be smoke-and-mirrors but really isnā€™t!"


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Can you help me find my inbox Franglais? I donā€™t see it.

Click on your icon, top right, and 4th down is speech bubble. Click on that to see any DM notifications. You should get a flag up when you get a DM too.
I`ll send you one now for info.

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