NASA launches a rocket with 2 monkeys and a woman on board:

Houston to Monkey 1

“Adjust oxygen to 85% and carry out post launch checks”

Houston to Monkey 2

"Throttle back, power down engines and adjust anti-gravitational field.

Houston to Woman

“Feed the monkeys and touch [zb] All!!!”

As we have told you before if it needs stars then it ain’t allowed…colingl

this will soon be removed for review :laughing: :laughing:

this will soon be removed for review :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah and rightly so, your views are so petty and I can’t believe I’m even on a forum with other peoples views like yours, what am I actually doing here, I mean god how bloody minded are you? Come on ffs…

How dare you think a woman would be able to take orders and not eff up the whole mission

( this IS a joke post I am totally with the joke I wanted to make it look like i was all uppity about it :smiley: )