Motorbike question

What CC of motorbike can I ride on my car licence?
Ive been told I can ride a slightly higher CC motorbike because Im 27,is that true?
I know Id have to do CBT first…
I only ask as Im seriously thinking of buying a 'bike to go to work on, and Id need to use motorways…

Rite I’m not a biker but if you hold a full car licence this will allow you to ride up to 50cc ie 49cc without L plates being displayed.
I was told anything over that and you need to take a CBT part 1 and this would allow you to ride a slightly higher cc but will still NOT allow motorway riding untill you pass your full motorcycle test

I.m sure one of the bikers out there will have all the other rules

125cc i think on a cbt.

125cc i think on a cbt.

Is that motorway legal or not?

What CC of motorbike can I ride on my car licence?
Ive been told I can ride a slightly higher CC motorbike because Im 27,is that true?
I know Id have to do CBT first…
I only ask as Im seriously thinking of buying a 'bike to go to work on, and Id need to use motorways… … DG_4022568

I think you are getting mixed up with the age thing,


125cc i think on a cbt.

Is that motorway legal or not?

125cc on cbt not allowed on motorway. dual carrige you can use

125 with l plates not allowed on motorway

just go for the full licence and get a gsxr 600 :sunglasses:

A freind of mine rides an Aprillia rs125 on “L” plates, not quite sure how as it has 26hp and will do 100mph unmodified!!

A freind of mine rides an Aprillia rs125 on “L” plates, not quite sure how as it has 26hp and will do 100mph unmodified!!

But you still can’t ride it on a motorway!!!


125cc i think on a cbt.

Is that motorway legal or not?

Not, and don’t forget a CBT only lasts for 2 years so you have to pass the test before that, or take the CBT again which is a stupid idea,

A freind of mine rides an Aprillia rs125 on “L” plates, not quite sure how as it has 26hp and will do 100mph unmodified!!

it will have been de-restricted to do that HP and speed, they are restricted to 70mph until test has been passed, then you can take it to a dealer and have the restrictions removed :smiley: