Most ridiculous thing you have heard?

A 45 off? I always have a full hour before I go to Chjna.

“It’s a doddle, you’ll be home by 3pm”.

When I first started driving I was told by an old timer that any reversing time doesn’t show on your tacho as your not going forwards!!

You know what mate, either that is familiar because it was true, or I have dreamt it.
I seem to remember but can’t be sure, that when tachos first came out reversing did not show up on the card as movement. So if you were on a break, and had to reverse to say, move out of the way or something, the break appeared on the chart to be uninterrupted.
However it may be senility starting to kick in. :laughing:

" Do us a favour…" or " Can you just nip…".

it may be senility starting to kick in. :laughing:

How would you know it’s just starting? :open_mouth:

A holiday lodge rep telling me a holiday lodge is a good investment opportunity… :laughing:

Class 1 (C+E) drivers are the bee’s knees :grimacing:

If your in cab fridge isnt working you can refuse to take the lorry out

If you want to sleep in a hotel rather than a lorry your boss needs to pay the bill. (I know Rob has already mentioned this one but I feel its such a ridiculous thing to say, it needs mentioned twice)

The lorry driver is completely blameless in that collision (Everyone knows the lorry driver is ALWAYS at fault.)

Chatting to a bloke in Whitwood truck stop, he was having a 45 off and then setting off for China across land. It would take him 6 weeks. Might be true but somehow I doubted it.

I was chatting to a driver who said the same thing. Can’t remember the haulier, but they were from South Wales.

There was the one doing the rounds a few years ago that said due to some EU reg about working space you had to have a large cabbed truck for nights out.


Chatting to a bloke in Whitwood truck stop, he was having a 45 off and then setting off for China across land. It would take him 6 weeks. Might be true but somehow I doubted it.

I was chatting to a driver who said the same thing. Can’t remember the haulier, but they were from South Wales.

Wasn’t me - I know you’d need to take another 45 to get to China in one day.

Evilbeezie advising someone on the newbie site that they can only work 56hrs max a week and 90 a fortnight. You’ll note I said work not driving which is the correct answer for driving not work.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the blokes an absolute tool

Evil breeze advising someone on the newbie site that they can only work 56hrs max a week and 90 a fortnight. You’ll note I said work not driving which is the correct answer for driving not work.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the blokes an absolute tool



Evil breeze advising someone on the newbie site that they can only work 56hrs max a week and 90 a fortnight. You’ll note I said work not driving which is the correct answer for driving not work.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the blokes an absolute tool


:smiley: no shots from me just my honest opinion.

This is the same bloke who advises another newbie to take their test in a an auto after failing the first one in a manual because they cocked up the gears on test.

Now with newbies always saying they can’t get a start I’m sure it will go down well on their first driving assessment for their first start when they turn up and the trucks a manual. If they follow his advise they will have to ask for an auto. Should go down well!!!

I can’t knock him for offering advise but it might be a good idea if he actually knew what the ■■■■ he was talking about first :smiley:

Why would they have to ask for an auto? If you pass your C (or C+E) test in an automatic lorry, you can still drive manual lorries (provided your car licence isn’t restricted to Automatics).

They would have to ask for an auto or they will balls up the assessment driving the manual because its to much for them to think about :laughing:

They would have to ask for an auto or they will balls up the assessment driving the manual because its to much for them to think about :laughing:

Thank you for explaining the obvious point I was trying to make :smiley:

:grimacing: :arrow_right: :laughing:

I can’t say to much about this due to the government secrets act… but I was delivering to a secure military installation, it can’t say anything about the load but it did have a yellow glow. When I got there the security guards couldn’t check my background as my identity had to be protected due to my SAS history. The Sargent came along and waved me threw as i had more security clearence than him… anyway I got to the office and walked in on two female officers lessing off. They panicked when I caught them and let me join in so I would keep there secret.

True story

Coming abit off topic arnt we Coolrider …Didnt think we where into personal attacks…

This is the same bloke who advises another newbie to take their test in a an auto after failing the first one in a manual because they cocked up the gears on test.

This crap has been flying about the newbie forum for some time now, so it isn’t just come from Evil … Plenty of newbie’s come crying wolf about failing a test on gears and are looking for advice / solution " what should I do, don’t want to fail again "

And others asks about training " manual Vs Auto " and the general consensus from quite a few members as well as newly pass drivers is that Auto is a fast track / easy way to get a class 2 license plus the fact that most new trucks now are rolling out the factory with auto boxes…( think some idiot was quoting to say it saves fuel…)

My personal opinion about is, If you pass you class 2 test on auto then that’s all your qualified to drive… you pass test on manual and you qualify to drive both …
Same as with the class one plus if you pass your test on a wagon and drag…that’s all your allowed to drive… but pass class one on artic then you qualify to drive both… but at the end of the day these are my own views…

And if you wasn’t impressed with his advice about the Hrs issue why didnt you throw your 2 penneth in and advise the correct facts in that thread…

Coming abit off topic arnt we Coolrider …Didnt think we where into personal attacks…

This is the same bloke who advises another newbie to take their test in a an auto after failing the first one in a manual because they cocked up the gears on test.

This crap has been flying about the newbie forum for some time now, so it isn’t just come from Evil … Plenty of newbie’s come crying wolf about failing a test on gears and are looking for advice / solution " what should I do, don’t want to fail again "

And others asks about training " manual Vs Auto " and the general consensus from quite a few members as well as newly pass drivers is that Auto is a fast track / easy way to get a class 2 license plus the fact that most new trucks now are rolling out the factory with auto boxes…( think some idiot was quoting to say it saves fuel…)

My personal opinion about is, If you pass you class 2 test on auto then that’s all your qualified to drive… you pass test on manual and you qualify to drive both …
Same as with the class one plus if you pass your test on a wagon and drag…that’s all your allowed to drive… but pass class one on artic then you qualify to drive both… but at the end of the day these are my own views…

And if you wasn’t impressed with his advice about the Hrs issue why didnt you throw your 2 penneth in and advise the correct facts…

Obviously a mate of yours.

Firstly not coming off topic as he’s asked what ridiculous things we’ve heard. My answer is most of what he has to say on this site.

Secondly max working time is 60 hrs in a week. However on duty time will depend on your daily rests.

I don’t need to spout of, constantly about what I know or don’t know for that matter.

Like I said above can’t fault him for offering advise but it helps if you know what your talking about first!