Domestic Collections & Tacho Exempt

Hi folks

I’m running on domestic collections tomorrow on the bin motor and as I understand it, house to house (door-to-door) collections are tacho exempt. So I have a few questions;

  1. Do I put my card in anyway? (The usual driver does)
  2. What do I do when I reach my 4 and a half hours, take a break or continue driving? (bit of a silly question considering its exempt)
  3. Do I write on the back of a printout at the end of the shift that it was a domestic refuse vehicle.

I would ask the guys thats there, but none of them bother with tacho whether it’s required or not!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Unless they have logbook, then yes put in card, and write on back of print out.


I’m thinking you could maybe use the out of scope mode if its digital. That way you’re recorded your working time even if you don;t have to adhere to EU driving regs, should be no need to do a print out then as all info would be on card. We’ll find out if thats correct in a bit i suspect !!