COVID (again) / make sense of it [Merged]

I love how your sources are newspapers and Wikipedia!!

Don’t ever do a uni course and back up your research like that will you? It won’t do old son.

You believe what you wish, mostly facebook and the newspapers by the sources you cite.

I’d still like to know why Covid is considered SO deadly… Given 2/3rds of patients that have died with it would have died anyway… Yet a disease that kills outright hundreds of thousands every single year doesn’t even get a mention…

Covid is not nice. But realistically, nor is any respiratory condition. This current hysteria has been spun for a reason certainly.

But the reasons are not necessarily what they are claimed to be.

Well done…you too…
You dislike my sources (never facebook) but you offer…none…
You still don`t see that a disease with a mortality of 0.1% is not as bad as one with 1% or so?
Are you drinking the same stuff as Maoster? At least he seems happy on it!

Let’s face it everyone - in this age of “The world as told you, at your fingertips” - who can be arsed to actually go to places with a hard camera and find out for REAL?

EVERYTHING is a “Conspiracy” now.

Optics” - what something is made to look like, to fool or satisfy as many looking-on members of the public as possible.

If the end result of all this - is a better world - we, the ordinary folk won’t be complaining.

Would we, for example - object if eventually all the jobs that never come back - start at the TOP rather than the “bottom”?

Footballers… Bankers… TV stars…Politicians…Lawyers…Medical Doctors that work as Hatchet Agents rather than “Medical Practicioners”… Add all those “workers” that you’d love to hate as applicable…

A fundemental EARTHQUAKE to our economy - is just getting started. Forget COVID-19 - that was just a trigger.
It will be the Economic fallout - that makes or breaks the vast majority of people on this planet from here on.

Survived Covid but lost your job? Did you win or did you LOSE??

…Depends on where you go from here - don’t it?
Get a better job, or more well-paid job as a consequence of being forced to upsticks off our lazy arses into what would and should have been done years ago, if it were not for the “risk aversion” that goes with the “prosperous” or “insure” mainstream workforce?

It will be easy for the Workshy to stay out of sight from here on - but wait! The Universal Credit upheaval threatens their benefits too - doesn’t it?
What are the Wealthy doing? - Staying at home, because they have private incomes, and can afford to.
What are Migrant workers going to be doing?
…No point in going home, since the “Crisis” is there as well. Might as well make roots here… Farms - are still going to have enough pickers then!
What are those who lose their jobs going to be doing?
…Work out who the best firm to work for are, and migrate to them

At the end of this, we’ll have a very pure, and distilled economy - and a total reform of what we had before, the former things having passed away.
The death of the old order of things, and a brave new world to come - where people are judged by their deeds, not by their material gains. :neutral_face:


I love how your sources are newspapers and Wikipedia!!

Don’t ever do a uni course and back up your research like that will you? It won’t do old son.

You believe what you wish, mostly facebook and the newspapers by the sources you cite.

I’d still like to know why Covid is considered SO deadly… Given 2/3rds of patients that have died with it would have died anyway… Yet a disease that kills outright hundreds of thousands every single year doesn’t even get a mention…

Covid is not nice. But realistically, nor is any respiratory condition. This current hysteria has been spun for a reason certainly.

But the reasons are not necessarily what they are claimed to be.

Well done…you too…
You dislike my sources (never facebook) but you offer…none…
You still don`t see that a disease with a mortality of 0.1% is not as bad as one with 1% or so?
Are you drinking the same stuff as Maoster? At least he seems happy on it!

It isn’t 1% around 4,000 dead for around 40,000 cases is 10%.
It’s so deadly because natural immunity isn’t a given or even a chance going by the fact that it’s low hundreds recovered for 40,000 cases and 4,000 dead among other figures around the world which all seem to be an equal pulled out of a hat bs diversion from the fact that it’s probably zero immunity.We reject it with a cytokine storm we don’t fight it with antibodies.Unless the government or anyone wants to clearly state otherwise.

Which probably explains why the government suddenly ran away crying like a girl from the idea of herd immunity to it.Then said hide and run for your lives keep away plague and pestilence be afraid be very afraid.

Feel free to go carry on as normal like it’s just measles before MMR I’m getting fed up without being able to go to the pub anyway.If it’s what I think it might be it doesn’t matter anyway.Might as well open the watertight doors and drink the bar dry their are no lifeboats on this Titanic.

The death rate is 1-2% of people who actually catch it… Not the population in general. So currently 1-2% of 42,000 not 66 million.

Which part of around 4,000 deaths for around 40,000 cases = 10% don’t you understand.

C.F. would of course be the holder of the TRUE facts, but we would need a translator to untangle them, and Winseer would say it is all fine, as he can now get a ZHC, good hourly rate, agency position at your place!

I think around 4,000 + deaths around 40,000 + cases around a couple of hundred ‘recoveries’ are conservative figures according to the facts and don’t need a translator.Let me know when we’ve got a lot more ‘recoveries’ than deaths let alone new cases.Even if we could believe ‘any’ recoveries when the government by implication admits there is no natural immune response to this at all.

Unlike Winseer I’m ‘also’ saying that it’s all fine let’s get the pubs open.

While at the same time saying that it ‘looks’ like a managed bioweapon release apocalypse to me so it’s all moot.Still might as well get the pubs open and send in a nuclear strike against China.


The death rate is 1-2% of people who actually catch it… Not the population in general. So currently 1-2% of 42,000 not 66 million.

Which part of around 4,000 deaths for around 40,000 cases = 10% don’t you understand.

If you fail to announce everyone who’s got it… unless and until they die from it - then you have maybe 20 times as many cases, of which say, 51,000 deaths worldwide then looks like “over 5%” from ONE million cases compared to around 0.25% of TWENTY million cases…

It would explain why it is that you don’t get announced that you’ve got it until you’re dead if you’re going to die from it, meaning that the counter-side is that every high profile person who HAS “very publically caught it” (so we’re told) is NOT going to die…

Even the announcement today of the death of the “Loins of Longleat” from coronavirus - doesn’t alter the fact that we didn’t know of his imminent death a week ago, which is when it was already known he’d gone into hospital… Why no fanfare?

I would lend support to the same thing to paraphrase other posters “If I got taken out by an asteroid impact, - it would no doubt be blamed on Coronavirus, but if I had actually just recovered in full from a real coronavirus infection - it would be as if I never existed, and claims will be made that I’d made it up that I’d even got it in the first place…” providing you were a nobody beforehand, of course…

All to massage downwards the number of cases, and upwards the percentage of death relation to that reduced number of cases…
Shouldn’t we be seeing one infected celebrity in twenty having died by this point hmm? Are there a lot more infected celebrities than we’ve been told, but the number is small, and high-profile to get that NUMERATOR figure down, whilst maximizing the DENOMINATOR hmm?

0.25% - doesn’t alarm much… 51,000 out of 20,000,000
5%+ however - would have a lot of people world-wide turning to God for starters!! 51,000 out of ONE million.

Talk about “Put the fear of God into the general public” huh?



The death rate is 1-2% of people who actually catch it… Not the population in general. So currently 1-2% of 42,000 not 66 million.

Which part of around 4,000 deaths for around 40,000 cases = 10% don’t you understand.

If you fail to announce everyone who’s got it… unless and until they die from it - then you have maybe 20 times as many cases, of which say, 51,000 deaths worldwide then looks like “over 5%” from ONE million cases compared to around 0.25% of TWENTY million cases…

It would explain why it is that you don’t get announced that you’ve got it until you’re dead if you’re going to die from it, meaning that the counter-side is that every high profile person who HAS “very publically caught it” (so we’re told) is NOT going to die…

Even the announcement today of the death of the “Loins of Longleat” from coronavirus - doesn’t alter the fact that we didn’t know of his imminent death a week ago, which is when it was already known he’d gone into hospital… Why no fanfare?

I would lend support to the same thing to paraphrase other posters “If I got taken out by an asteroid impact, - it would no doubt be blamed on Coronavirus, but if I had actually just recovered in full from a real coronavirus infection - it would be as if I never existed, and claims will be made that I’d made it up that I’d even got it in the first place…” providing you were a nobody beforehand, of course…

All to massage downwards the number of cases, and upwards the percentage of death relation to that reduced number of cases…
Shouldn’t we be seeing one infected celebrity in twenty having died by this point hmm? Are there a lot more infected celebrities than we’ve been told, but the number is small, and high-profile to get that NUMERATOR figure down, whilst maximizing the DENOMINATOR hmm?

0.25% - doesn’t alarm much… 51,000 out of 20,000,000
5%+ however - would have a lot of people world-wide turning to God for starters!! 51,000 out of ONE million.

Talk about “Put the fear of God into the general public” huh?

The proof of the pudding is that the government backed off ( more like ran like zb and didn’t look back ) from herd immunity.If they were pushing a false narrative they would have gone straight to lock down unless it’s a double cross which is a bit far fetched.
A couple of hundred 'known ‘recoveries’ among the 40,000 + ‘known cases’ and 4,000 + ‘known’ deaths is as representative as it needs to get.That’s not a lot of known recoveries v known deaths.Bearing in mind we’re talking about ‘future’ projections based on what we ‘know’.Bearing in mind that also we know that the government hasn’t got the bottle to go for natural anti body herd immunity you by opening the pubs for starters.Also never heard of anyone closing a pub because of worries about customers catching and dying from flu.Also certainly never heard of a load of dead bus drivers all caused by flu.

If you really want to test the theory I’m sure no one will stop you spending a few hours every day this week taking a trip on every tube line and fitting in as many bus journeys as you can in London if you really want to test the government line.
As for putting the fear of god into anyone what’s to fear other than fear itself.Either we get natural immunity to this or we don’t.Assuming the latter the case v deaths figure is moot.It’s all about those who’ve got it and those who are yet to get it.The thing then might kill us it might not.It might leave us a carrier in remission and kill us later who knows.Assuming the former what the zb are the government worried about anyway.

It’s just like a class room full of those as yet to get measles and those who’ve got it.Either we get natural immunity to this or we don’t.Measles pre MMR had a case fatality rate of 15% in that regard and no one gave a zb no lock down nor social distancing.

This is obviously something different to Measles and it’s obviously not the case fatality rate that’s bothering them. :bulb:

Is there any chance that this could be a “Genetic Bomb” virus?

It seems rather odd that the attrition rates are very low among certain groups of the population…
…Such as Chinese Elites, or any other world Elites come to that - suggesting it isn’t a “Race” or “Nation” thing, but perhaps a “Lifestyle” difference that makes one more or less likely to die from catching this virus, which in the long run - is likely to touch us all before dissipating…

Perhaps the initial favour shown towards this “Herd Immunity” concept was then dropped once it was realized that say, a disproportionate number of wealthy people of non-oriental extraction were dying from it?
If that were the case however, then Prince Charles and Boris Johnson as actual Aristocrats - would be in grave danger at this time… Perhaps the death of Alexander Thynn (Lord Bath of Longleat) was a one-off?

At the other end of the scale, does anyone on here actually know directly someone who was announced as contracting covid-19 and THEN died from it?

Well turns out a friend of mines father is in hosptail now.
60 year old confirmed COVID. Next 24 hour crucial.

Hes in high dependency ward.

I shall update when i find out more.

At the other end of the scale, does anyone on here actually know directly someone who was announced as contracting covid-19 and THEN died from it?

'Died is moot when it’s ongoing and new cases whether died or possibly ‘yet’ to die v recovered and now immune which matters.

"3 March (release of coronavirus action plan)

“I’m shaking hands continuously. I was at a hospital the other night where I think there were actually a few coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody, you’ll be pleased to know. I continue to shake hands.

“We already have a fantastic NHS, fantastic testing systems and fantastic surveillance of the spread of the disease … I want to stress that for the vast majority of the people of this country, we should be going about our business as usual.”

Got home last night and watched the BBC news at 10, it seems the BBC are on one corporation mission to spread the virus reporters travelling all over the country when what they reported on could easily have been sent form home two examples were reporters standing outside 10 Downing street and another standing outside the hospital were the PM is “Oooh look yet another view of 10 Downing ST/ St Thomas’ hospital, but I have nothing new to say”.
The other item that wanted to make me beat a BBC reporter about the head with an iron bar was the piece where a reporter dressed up in full PPE and then entered a sterile ICU. A complete waste of PPE when the same organisation is repeatedly saying PPE is in short supply. I have e-mailed the BBC asking them to show proof that they paid for this PPE await the reply with interest but reckon Covid will end first.
One thing this virus has shown that the most preachy are also the biggest hypocrites, Scotland’s medical officer being another prime example.

You have to believe what you read, then dissect it in your own way to understand it. If you don’t trust Wikipedia and the BBC why on earth is this book used so often?


Wheel Nut:
You have to believe what you read, then dissect it in your own way to understand it. If you don’t trust Wikipedia and the BBC why on earth is this book used so often?


Control same as all the other similar fairy stories written around the same time

Mates old mans stable.

As for the BBC media scaremongeing lying bunch of ■■■■■■■■■ All media are. Boris be out next week before the lockdown part2 preaching about how good the nhs were and why hes still alive.

Thanks in advance

Wheel Nut:
You have to believe what you read, then dissect it in your own way to understand it. If you don’t trust Wikipedia and the BBC why on earth is this book used so often?

What’s happening in the near future?

“Strange signs from the heavens” - There’s a certain Comet Atlas coming this way, that may well be the biggest comet since Hale Bopp back in 1997 It is passing millions of miles away, but should prove to be a specuatular naked-eye sight in the sky, nonetheless… Watch this space…

"The Antichrist having been Babylon’s ally up until now - suddenly turns on “her”, and burns “her” with fire… - A powerful Pro-EU leader turning upon the Middle East? and the EU itself?
Some wonder which “EU leader” might fit the bill, and others wonder if it is Islam that represents Babylon, being the former name for Baghdad and all…

“A star fell to Earth called Wormwood… The waters of the Earth are poisoned, and many will die from drinking the waters”… - Radioactive and Heavy Metal contamination - From a meteorite?

Seals.png Sure, you’d get pretty sick and many would die - if such a meteorite fell into a resourvoir or river source…

Daniel and the Apocrypha - can fill out the missing bits that go beyond “Revelation” btw…

Its Not Covid that scares me Winseer my old mate. No, what really terrifies me is you with an abundance of time on your hands! :wink:

the maoster:
Its Not Covid that scares me Winseer my old mate. No, what really terrifies me is you with an abundance of time on your hands! :wink:

Just be thankful that neither him nor his mate Carryfast believe in the 5G nonsense otherwise we’d really be in trouble here. :open_mouth: Please, just let him talk meteorites, comets etc.

Just be thankful that neither him nor his mate Carryfast believe in the 5G nonsense otherwise we’d really be in trouble here. :open_mouth: Please, just let him talk meteorites, comets etc.

To be fair the 5G stuff is all too modern day unfathomable high tech for me to head my head round a bit like digi tachos. :smiling_imp:

But I can understand Kennedy and McCarthy on the dangers of appeasing Communism.So good old fashioned evil WMD chucking and/or infiltrating commies trying to take over will do fine in explaining it all for now.

While a run, hide and stay at home, keep away, plague and pestilence plan, ain’t going to help if a 100 x 100 x 200 mile Asteroid travelling at 25,000 mph lands in the back garden.


Just be thankful that neither him nor his mate Carryfast believe in the 5G nonsense otherwise we’d really be in trouble here. :open_mouth: Please, just let him talk meteorites, comets etc.

To be fair the 5G stuff is all too modern day unfathomable high tech for me to head my head round a bit like digi tachos. :smiling_imp:

But I can understand Kennedy and McCarthy on the dangers of appeasing Communism.So good old fashioned evil WMD chucking and/or infiltrating commies trying to take over will do fine in explaining it all for now.

While a run, hide and stay at home, keep away, plague and pestilence plan, ain’t going to help if a 100 x 100 x 200 mile Asteroid travelling at 25,000 mph lands in the back garden.

Been doing some reading lately on McCarthy who I think safe to say was as demonised as Chamberlain albeit for different reasons.Might be prudent to dip a metatarsal into the current rollout of 5g.It’s been announced the UK (crown) has okayed a 60 ghz ,UNLICENSED push for this evil ■■■■.

They’ve certainly got plenty of top-cover to roll this ■■■■ out with everyone confined to barracks.