Proper drivers agency

Is there a proper drivers agency in Maidstone or close to that anyone can recommend, The bunch of muppets im with at the moment couldn’t organise getting wet in a thunderstorm.


Don’t know any, but the agencies up here are about as helpful as an ashtray on a motorbike. :laughing: :laughing:

Jimmy McNulty:

that anyone can recommend


Which agency are you with at the moment?

Generally the nationals vary by office and how each is run. So a DriverHire in Gatwick might be great compared to one in say Leatherhead.

I know Manpower have the contracts for Royal Mail in Rochester and Maidstone but it seems the work has been a bit hit and miss, with a lot more workers than there was work (They took on a ton of drivers for possible RM strikes which never happened) RM work will ofcourse die off in January anyway when peak is over.

I have had good luck with Manpower in Crawley in the past.
Extra Staff in Crawley promised me the earth but didn’t deliver
The Best Connection were ok if you like what their clients do (Waste, Dray and the odd bit of furniture delivery)
Driver Hire were useless, wanting me to sign up to Umbrella only and expecting me to pay the first £X00 for any damage done to truck - They never offered any work and I never accepted any.

Create an account on CV Library where there are many agencies and full time work and leave a CV up with contact details - You’ll get calls soon enough.

ok bit of an update. I spoke to the agency yesterday and moaned at them that they hadn’t put me forward for work on the agreed days. Was told that I was put forward but the company didn’t need me due to Christmas rotas etc etc. I was told that he would make sure I was put forward for Thursday Friday and Saturday this week as Wednesday is new years day and the company are shut.

Fast forward to this morning I went in to give them a copy of my licence now I have it back from the dvla and while I was there I asked if they had heard back from the company re Thursday requirements was told that the work assignments were handed out yesterday and when he looked at the computer I had been marked down as unavailable for Thursday to Saturday. I have also found out that they are trading off an old drivers agency name. So I wont be staying there much longer.
