South Wales Hauliers sixties and seventies onwards (Part 1)


pete 359:
Hi all,
Here are two for Bewick,shaun Swain from pencader,in his mouth organ grille Leyland octopus,seen on a road run in Devon yesterday.50 years back Dennis albeit in an LAD Brady octopus that would be you and driver Eric postlethwait? Heading for South Wales with signode banding.

This Octopus is a bit of a smoker she’s throwing quite a bit of muck out
in this pic and just look at the sheet bit of soot on there, new pistons
and liners methinks, bet she’s had a hard life.
thanks harry, long retired.

Hi harry,
I noticed the mess up the side of the sheet.tbf to shaun he has not long returned from northern Scotland on the west coast road run with that octopus and drag.i dare say a lot of the mess on the sheet was from that?
Regards Andrew.