facebook.com/photo.php?v=10 … =2&theater
Stan The Scania Man, hes taking the ■■■■ out of all the drivers of the blinged up scania post your opinions :smiley:

Very good, hits the nail on the head… blew my zb in the cdc shop.

I really don’t get drivers that spend any money on bling. Or the ■■■■■ that drive with fog lights on all day and night.

And yes the above typically comes into the category of scania drivers, but also quite frequently Volvo drivers.

i found the ‘i did a scotch in one hit, no taco’ very funny. Also the bit about the cdc shop is very true also.

Smart lorries but safe to say its not just scania drivers…


Smart lorries but safe to say its not just scania drivers…

That’s what I said… lol


I didn’t think it was them really but now I totally agree with you!

Got good tattoo lol

No seat belt.

No seat belt.

He doesnt need a seat belt, he’s a scania man!

What an idiot.

It’s true tho

Love it. He reminds me off


All the stuff he says are true

Stan The Scania Man, hes taking the ■■■■ out of all the drivers of the blinged up scania post your opinions :smiley:

Have not yet been able to down load the facebook hit , but I hope it includes the bottle of Barrs Irn`Bru and the compulsory Rangers/Celtic flag draped across the bunk .

the website made me pmsl… legend :wink: