
Hi Wayne, dont get too despondant, as i said you have to fight… Because of my age, and my medical condition, i have to renew my licence every year, so last year, i did the usual after receiving my paperwork. Earlier in the year i had asked the doctor for some sleeping tablets, as i was having trouble sleeping, DVLA decided when they got the forms back, that i had Sleep Apnoea, All my problem was, is i cant keep still in bed, and therefore get sleep distraction, been there, done that, had the tests, so got on the dog and bone to Swansea, moaned like ■■, and they said, `Can you put that in writing, so i did, they then wrote to my doctor, who wrote back to them, who then wrote to me, and it took them 3 months to sort it out ( i did have the piece of paper that entitled me to drive ) but just shows what they know, so chin up, keep positive, and fight them all the way… failing that, we can always buy one for £350 :laughing: