Drink Driving

Hello Everyone
Im new to the site but maybe you could answer a few questions I have. Yes stupidly received a three year ban for drink driving (not in truck) after a heavy night following a bereavement. Now I have just received a notification from DVLA requiring me to pay a £90 charge for my new licence. It does require me to note to mention my C+E Entitlement. So my question is will I have to present myself to the nearest traffic commissioner or will it be reinstated? I have since given up on drink and have evidence to prove this should it be required. In court there was no mention of a re test.
Please only reply if you can help. I accept what happened was stupid and I have had nearly three years of regret.
Kindest Regards

I imagine the TC may well invite you for tea and biscuits, especially as a three year ban suggests a fairly high reading. Lots of forelock tugging and the old “Yes Sir, yes Sir, three bags full Sir” routine would be the order of the day here.

I agree with Harry, I would think a chat with the TC is almost inevitable and with a 3 year ban eating a bit of humble pie is on the cards I would have thought.

I don’t know how you can prove you’ve given up drinking, but if you can convince the TC of that I would have thought it would make the meeting significantly less painful.

With a 3 year ban it makes me think that there was more than just this incident - perhaps I am wrong - and I also wonder if any employer would consider you as their insurers are likely not to insure you for LGV :question: :question: :question:

is it still the case the endorsement stays on your licence for 11years but valid for 10 years ?

3 years isn’t a usual ‘first offence’ job, but that’s besides the point as the OP is asking for info based on what it is… I would imagine a visit to the TC would be on the cards mate but in all honesty, I can’t see you getting lgv work for a long while yet. Maybe write down things like how it’s effected your life/ home life etc. and you’ve certainly learned a valuable lesson.

Yes, before anyone says it, I fully understand the facts about how it could have/ did affect other people etc. but I’m just playing devils advocate here on what the guys is asking about.

With a 3 year ban it makes me think that there was more than just this incident - perhaps I am wrong - and I also wonder if any employer would consider you as their insurers are likely not to insure you for LGV :question: :question: :question:

I know of people with DD who have found work driving HGV although it’s always tended to be with… how can I put this?..“lower quality operators”.

I don’t know how you can prove you’ve given up drinking, but if you can convince the TC of that I would have thought it would make the meeting significantly less painful.

I understand they can test your hair and this can give some indication whether you are teetotal, average drinker, heavy drinker. And I think there are blood tests that can show if you have problems with alcohol even if you have been on the wagon for months

Bluey Circles:

I don’t know how you can prove you’ve given up drinking, but if you can convince the TC of that I would have thought it would make the meeting significantly less painful.

I understand they can test your hair and this can give some indication whether you are teetotal, average drinker, heavy drinker. And I think there are blood tests that can show if you have problems with alcohol even if you have been on the wagon for months

Such as this company…googleadservices.com/pagead … IGA&adurl=

They can refuse to give your hgv entitlement back or add another few months ban on it if they wish to.
You will get work but as Harry says it may by at the slightly less blue chip end of the scale.
Small operators will probaly be a better bet where you may be able to come to an agreement if there’s a higher excess on your policy.
Skip and tipper operators also tend to be more tolerant on this and convictions in general as they pay a fortune in premiums as it is.

Has the ban ended yet and have you re applied ?
I would have thought the T.C. Would have written to you as soon as you were banned.
Did you get any reduction in ban for taking a alcohol dependency course ?
Just asking,

I would have thought the T.C. Would have written to you as soon as you were banned.

back in my youth, I got banned age 20ish, clocking up 24 points before the ban, got a TT99 6 month ban. TC never wrote to me untill I reapplied to for my licence. Didn’t have to have a chat just a warming letter saying I still have my entitlement.

Edit this would have been back in the day when you could only do your HGV at 21, so i must have been 20

Harry Monk:
I imagine the TC may well invite you for tea and biscuits, especially as a three year ban suggests a fairly high reading. Lots of forelock tugging and the old “Yes Sir, yes Sir, three bags full Sir” routine would be the order of the day here.


I was ‘fortunate’ enough to have a meeting with the Deputy TC in Leeds some years ago, (13 points on licence.) and on the day in question were quite a few lads that had served bans for DD who had recieved their car entitlement back, but were invited to state why they should have their HGV entitlement back.

You would be surprised of the number that were given a further 6 months. As Harry says, your ban suggests that yours was quite high, so I wouldn’t hold your breath.


id imagine if you barge in the door and get right into their face with the statement…i might have been bladdered,but,at least i didnt recklessly lane jump,do 40 in a 30…60 in a 40.driving like a lunatic at speeds well in excess of 100mph on the M6 to pick up pippa from her riding classes like ms pompous pretensious bell,then you will have them bang to rights and over the barrel,to the extent they will prob just tell you to be on your way with no penalty whatsoever…that approach definately works 100% as there was a guy i was talking to waiting with me in a rdc told me thats how he got off with similar…so itl deffo be correct… :slight_smile:

If you only recently passed the tests you will have to retake them .good luck

Bluey Circles:

I don’t know how you can prove you’ve given up drinking, but if you can convince the TC of that I would have thought it would make the meeting significantly less painful.

I understand they can test your hair and this can give some indication whether you are teetotal, average drinker, heavy drinker. And I think there are blood tests that can show if you have problems with alcohol even if you have been on the wagon for months

They say everyday is a school day and it’s right :slight_smile:

I’ve just Googled this and apparently “Hair follicle testing for alcohol is the most precise and can detect alcohol in your system three months after ingesting alcohol”.

Is that what the ban can be now in the UK for drink driving? Three years?
Back in the day (here we go) wasnt it 12months?


Bluey Circles:

I don’t know how you can prove you’ve given up drinking, but if you can convince the TC of that I would have thought it would make the meeting significantly less painful.

I understand they can test your hair and this can give some indication whether you are teetotal, average drinker, heavy drinker. And I think there are blood tests that can show if you have problems with alcohol even if you have been on the wagon for months

They say everyday is a school day and it’s right :slight_smile:

I’ve just Googled this and apparently “Hair follicle testing for alcohol is the most precise and can detect alcohol in your system three months after ingesting alcohol”.

Theyve been using hair follicle testing in Spain for a long time now, its mainly for drugs though and just like alcohol will show up months after last usage…

Is that what the ban can be now in the UK for drink driving? Three years?
Back in the day (here we go) wasnt it 12months?

12 months is still the standard ban but it can be longer for a very high BAC level or a second offence.

Is that what the ban can be now in the UK for drink driving? Three years?
Back in the day (here we go) wasnt it 12months?

Drink driving carries an automatic 12 month ban which apparently rises to a 3 year ban if your convicted twice in 10 years.

This may explain the 3 year ban in the OPs case, if that is the reason he’ll still have the original endorsement on his licence, 2 drink driving endorsements on a licence isn’t going to look good :frowning:
