I'm shocked

Millions of ordinary people borrow money to buy crap they don’t need to impress people they don’t like, they pay interest on those loans, the interest paid eventually ends up in salaries for executives that make Vine’s piddling little wage look like a bit of pocket money.

Best way to get rid of boring arses like Vine and that zany :unamused: Evans is to refuse point blank to watch listen to or read anything that features them and their ilk, but millions of poor and working class people find them entertaining, and otherwise worship at the altar of celebrity, so seeing as it’s a democracy (apparently) enough people must be enchanted by them (■■■■ nose why) to make them worth the state broadcaster ■■■■■■■ our money on.

Good luck to 'em i say, i couldn’t give a tuppeny f either way, hope they enjoy their loot, they’ll need more of it in time to come when it’s their turn for whatever greedy little gold diggers come of the woodwork when they’re in their dotage to relieve them of some of the dosh they worship.

Whoda thought 30 years ago op yewtree would happen to the then untouchables, anyones guess what lunatic brainwave some shyster reporter/wannabe cop/private ■■■■/ambulance chaser lawyer will have and start another merry go round of claimants crawling out of the woodwork in 30 years time that might bite some of the current celebs on the arse, just like 30 years ago what’s acceptable now many not be in 30 years time, if the coming civil war hasn’t razed the place to the ground.