You know who I am?! Ronnie Pickering!

Anyone seen the Ronnie Pickering road rage vid on YouTube? Mans a total prick but it’s funny as ■■■■ and he has gone viral now :laughing: Don’t know how to put vids up otherwise I wouldve done :confused:

Go on You Tube and enter Ronnie Pickering. It’s up to about 378,000 plus hits. I can cut and paste this sort of stuff but I am not going to as the mods will lock the topic off for bad language. If you want to watch it, go and find it yourself.

My Opinion, Two over stuffed males with too much testosterone to waste :unamused: I didn’t even get to the end to see if they hit each other :wink:

I would hazard a guess that Mr Pickering had his cars doors locked. It is all very well shouting through a half opened window…actions speak louder than words… :smiley:

Someone has beat me to my post…I see a locked topic or removal of a post :unamused:

His missus cracks me up just stares stright ahead while he’s ■■■■■■ and jeffing out of the window. I bet she’s thibking to herself, " ■■■■ me here we go again!" :unamused: :laughing:
I bet the only action his knuckles have seen is when he knocks one off over babe station.
Bare knuckle champion my arse! :grimacing:

Made my night watchin that its ■■■■ funny , do a search on youtube and theres some funny songs come up , best one is the who :smiley:

why search on youtube for it? I just linked to it in my post for all to quickly see…

Well he thought he was famous and now he is, shame it’s for all the wrong reasons :laughing:

What a Muppet :smiley:

why search on youtube for it? I just linked to it in my post for all to quickly see…

I meant put ronnie pickering in the search box and the songs will come up, wasnt on about the actual road rage vid :unamused:

I’m from Hull and I’ve never heard of this bad ■■■ before…

I bet he is embarrassed as hell bahahaha

It’s all right laughing behind your key boards.

If Ronnie gave you a knuckle sandwich and put you in Hull Royal Infirmary,you wouldn’t be laughing then.


I like this video at least someone’s got a sense of humour

Well someone beat me to it…

I’m off to Brakes at Harlow tomorrow, I’m gonna announce to the goods in clerk that I am Ronnie Pickering. That should get me tipped quicker.

Or leathered by the ex SAS unarmed combat instructor who’s only driving for a few days to “keep his hand in”!

Do you know who I am…who…Ronnie Pickering…who…Ronnie Pickering…who…RONNIE PICKERING…who the ■■■■■ Ronnie Pickering, are you famous

That’s the bit that done me up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wonder if him and the missus got home and had rough hard ■■■ when they got back home?.. Or he knocked her about a bit then ■■■■■■ off down the boozer :laughing:

Tea spilt. What a knob.

Tea spilt. What a knob.

Don’t be like that EB it’s Ronnie Pickering…


Tea spilt. What a knob.

Don’t be like that EB it’s Ronnie Pickering…

Bare knuckle champion no less :wink: